Thank you for that Wally. Those of us who have experienced this journey/choice know the path is arduous. Mrs Jdhorn and I got married later in life and thus started a family later; for the younger folks here, women often incur a thinning of the lining needed for attachment. Being in our mid-30's, time was not on our side. After our first was born in '04 through IUI, we wrestled with IVF. Our decision really came down to.....50 years from now will we be able to say to ourselves we exhausted all options of having our own , 2nd child. IVF is not cheap , you know better than most , and we decided to give it a go. Fortunately for us it took on the first try and we were blessed with 1 of the 4 placed being born. IVF rarely works the first time and there is the possibility of the egg splitting, ie octomom. Our Dr did not believe in reduction, so that is a painful, stressful few weeks.
Ive been doing some additional reading this morning, and it seems likley this may only be a pause. The State Legislature of AL will be taking up the matter soon and we can only pray more pragmatic laws are enacted, one can only hope. HTF did someone gain access to that part of the hospital?!