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Everything posted by jdhorn92

  1. Sounds like its more probable that it would be the loser.
  2. probably went something like this, hope this embeds properly, funniest thing ive seen on X in some time
  3. I must have missed it, what was the "ugly incident" between Pierce and one of our pitchers?
  4. Just got back. Used points to stay at the Westin Villas. Wife and 3 kids , overall great week. Did all the usual stuff, Arches tour on Cabo Blue, dinner one night at Sunset Mona Lisa and went in to Cabo San Jose for the arts and crafts walk. First time to visit, been to Cancun a bunch in my 20's. We will be back to Cabo for sure. Near the marina in Cabo seemed kind of sketchy. We may opt for JW next time, I'm a big Marriott guy. Transports all week were solid. Used Uber a bunch and one driver went off line and picked us up a couple times. Cabo airport shuttle was aok, had a couple beers from the guy when we landed, he took us to the grocery store too, as our unit had a full kitchen. Food the whole week was average, no complaints, but wasn't great. We probably went to all the touristy spots and of course the hotel is a volume play. Weather was excellent and id give it a thumbs up for sure.
  5. Putin and Vietnam just signed an agreement. Maybe they are hedging to appease both the West and Russia/China. The article seems to indicate the content of the pact is more superficial. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://apnews.com/article/vietnam-russia-putin-visit-98891f7ec2565b79e4c255a7d7d2f6ed&ved=2ahUKEwipt_uyw-2GAxV3MDQIHdh0CpkQFnoECB4QAQ&usg=AOvVaw31AlboLs34spsNgECe_uRq
  6. I did a little work with UF booster, HH, named in the article. Such a cheezy guy , not at all surprised to see him mixed up with this deal. He owned a Dealership in Panama City for a short period of time....very creepy car guy, hot wife though.
  7. Yep same here, i was living off Greenville ave , not far off 635, probably not far from you.
  8. NM i see it now. extra innings for UCF-Cincy
  9. To circumvent the expense of a Generac, my FIL added a "switch" to his breaker box. When power goes out, he can switch his fridge and a few other breakers to his portable generator. He can run his fridge and a half dozen fans , lights and TV with a gas powered Honda he rolls to the box. Trying to do some research on my own , got a call into an electrician. He's got a small house on the bay so his set up is not super complicated...not sure how feasible it will be for mine. Anyone got experience with a set up like that?
  10. I got nothting on the radio feed through TexasSports. Just a constant drumline. What time is first pitch so i can turn this shit off?
  11. I remember staying up until midnight to watch Ricky's first game against the Rainbow Warriors.
  12. ah yeah, good catch (no pun), it was tied. I had Dylan's hit/rbi as the go ahead run.
  13. We were one play with a shitty lighting system married with coastal fog and a fluke mis-played flyball by our stud righfielder away from Omaha.
  14. On the TV broadcast, they interviewed Holliday (sp) and he said that guy was one of the toughest guys on the team or something that affect/effect (i never know which). I was half listening but the comment was very complimentary of his grit. Are they related, i may be misremembering but is that his kid? Same name iirc.
  15. Probably a few more ruffians at UTD vs UT Austin I imagine. I had soccer practice at UTD when i was a kid in mid 80's, Classic League played most of the games there and it was a windy ass patch of grass that place was built on, 3rd and 4th year only college back then. All grown up now, protests and everything
  16. I say let em protest away. When it crosses the line in to impeding others, break it up. Tent city comes back, break it up, stop me from entering the PCL, break it up. I just hope the demonstrators have done their homework on who they are cheering for.
  17. Seemed like a perfect spot to pitch out with 0-1 count and the runner at first with a huge lead. Hmm. Next pitch hit and run and the bunt gets him home.
  18. Finished this last night. Pulitzer finalist from a few years ago. 1800's teens to 20's or so, story about an immigrant from Sweden and his quest to journey from CA to NYC to find his brother. Has elements of Cormac from Blood Meridian in the descriptive way he portrays the West, though not that difficult to read. Not long, pretty quick read, really enjoyed it.
  19. Circles with Claire (sp) Danes is awful. Terrible plot and it has some big actors in it, but they play really stupid characters. Made it through 3 ep and threw in the towel for the Baby Reindeer show. Stay away from Circles or be warned, one. The Reindeer show is pretty interesting so far, but i would have told her to get lost a long fucking time ago, but I suppose I can see & understand why/how he didnt. He makes a lot of brutal mistakes along the way trying to tip toe around things.
  20. Pearl Jam was a solid interview, though they are a little boring. Eddie is great, always enjoy him when he's on and they still sound great.
  21. Just make a Bill in Sinton or Rpongett call out and we'll know you are one of the olds like us from Hornfans
  22. We’re hoping for that. We have a 3 BR, but now we’re thinking to making 3rd BR into an office, catch all room, etc… but we have been told the contract nurses may come in pairs
  23. This is great! Thank you. My wife has great taste so the furnishings will be good/high quality, but we’ll keep ROI in mind too. We won’t skimp. I’ll keep the thread posted as we get closer to going to market with the property…we fell ass backwards into the medial overlay district.
  24. Hell he intimidated me from a safe 20-40" from my monitor.
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