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Everything posted by jdhorn92

  1. It's been the will of mankind to commit sin. The existence of sin is real. People have free will to make decisions. It is written, murder is sin and God has given us all the potential to live with or without sin. Evil exists in this world and it will forever. For those captives who Pray, we Pray for freedom from the captor. The answer to those Prayers is not always what we want, when we want it.
  2. Well said. I'm kind of right there with you on a lot of that.
  3. Thanks, I often go to a Sunday School class with my wife and I fold like a cheap suitcase in that room. Put me in any situation , socially, work or whatever and i have no problems talking, articulating points etc......put me in that room and ask me a question about my interpretation of a passage or ask me to read several verses, its like i have marbles in my mouth. I think my spiritual walk is just on a really twisted path, but I am on it. What i started doing though about a year ago is Praying in bed at night and right before my flight takes off ( I travel weekly for work). I use that time to do and ask for many things, but mainly its just to make sure i have a dialogue with God, that help center me a bit .
  4. I won't speak for all people, but for me Prayer has several meanings. I don't think you will like my answer, mainly b/c its hard to articulate a response to "why do people pray?" or "if everyone is praying, why is there so much bad in the world". Spiritually speaking, accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior means entering in to a relationship. Not like one with my spouse or drinking buddies or anyone in this community, but a relationship deeper than anything we could touch or describe. I'm not a religions scholar and though I can describe in words many things, I find when I write about my Faith or Prayer or the Bible, I'm often at a loss for words. Ive always been reluctant to speak about my Faith with others, as I am far from perfect. Prayer is a form of communication with God. He listens but the answers aren't always what we want, when or how we want them. We Pray because it's an outlet, its a form of dialogue; its a display of our appreciation for all the gifts and blessings we have a result of God sending his son to die on the cross for our sins. In the New Testament, we come to learn of a New Covenant with God. We thought we were getting a King with a sword, what we didn't have planned out is for a King (savior) who would wear a much different crown. Prayer can be asking for forgiveness, giving thanks, requesting guidance....its a noun and a verb at the same time. I cant speak for your neighbor, but I presume she's Praying for you to come to peace with your decision to move. She likely values you as a neighbor and doesn't necessarily want you to leave , but alas you will make your own mind up about that. Her Praying you don't leave is, imo, her asking God to help her come to terms with whatever decision you make. That probably a big nothing burger what i typed there, but on some level you may be wanting to be convinced of why prayer is a thing and I cant answer that for you. Only you can answer that. I cant sell you on the power of Prayer or why people do it....its not really a black and white topic easily answered, at least by this heathen. lol
  5. Yeah your intel is outdated by a dozen years. Delta is by far and away superior to AA and UA and its not even close. If you havent flown Delta but 1 x in 5 years, then you are missing out and any negative experience is anecdotal. I fly Delta often times 4 times in a week, connecting through ATL to IAD, DCA and various other southeast regional cities. When I go west, i use AA. There is a non-stop flight to Tampa and or Houston on United from my home airport and I avoid them like the plague. No question about it Delta reigns supreme in customer service. and overall flight experience.
  6. If I recall, Prime got robbed, but I dont think the team reported widespread theft. He got his property back though. edit: added article https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2932850-deion-sanders-says-his-belongings-were-stolen-from-jackson-state-locker-room
  7. yeah for those going, Kickoff wont be until 11:20, they milk the transition from the set to the announcers back to the studio for forever.
  8. There were 3 to Worthy that may have been drops. The deep ball was contested, good play by defender,slightly underthrown. On the slant, hard to tell but looked tipped and that may have contributed to incompletetion. If it wasnt tipped, the ball was thrown behind him, hard to put that on X. The 4th down play was catchable but hard to tell from TV angle. Overall XW had a great game, one of his best imo
  9. Surprised to see him with no sling. He looked very skinny in street clothes. Hoping Catalon is back. We'll need some guys who can come up in run support and knock the shit out of their running QB's
  10. I agree with that 100%. Especially with a first time starter at QB. I kept thinking take the points, we're one MM pick six and onside recovery away from being a game. At home , facing an inept offense, extend the lead, keep momentum and give then no hope while taking the risk out of things. The disdain for 3 points in CFB is maddening.
  11. How tall is Neyor? I know he hasnt played much, but that seems like the only play we havent tried. The jump pass worked earlier this year, or maybe that was last year. We have no QB mobility, so that hurts down here at the goal line. At least Sam and 18 wheeler could bull doze teams. QE rolled out once and scored , so i guess there's that, but id like to see us give the fade at least a look. Also the dig that X scored on vs ISU is a good play down there, haven't seen that this year either.
  12. Agree. I thought he looked about like I thought he would. A couple three WTF plays that could have hurt us tremendously, but didn't. We'll see if he can learn from those w/o becoming too careful. The Int was really bad, total panic move. The throw to JT was just plain lucky and other to X was just trying to do too much. Overall he had several great throws and seem to put the ball where the WR/RB could move in motion with ball flight. Id give him a solid B+. The fumble was a weird play where it was very slow developing and his blockers whiffed. Sark called a similar slow developing play vs Bama last year near the goal line that got QE hurt. Plus there were a drop or two at least on catchable throws and maybe a third, couldnt tell if the slant was tipped.
  13. I’ll be there. Dinner Friday night at the Austin Proper Hotel , so quick turnaround for an early kick , we’ll make do, and day drink the rest of the day. Glorious
  14. Any injury updates on QE? Surely something has been leaked to the 9.95 ers or big cigars, practice pics , in a sling or not?
  15. Just tell us what page we’re on, Satchel.
  16. According to a guy interviewed on CNN, he claimed to have been trained by the perp. So not sure what to make of that , but the guy interviewed said he’s hella competent with firearms
  17. Hard to explain, but his facemask got yanked pretty bad and he shifted all his wait to his bad ankle to brace himself, looked really ugly. Kid is one tough SOB
  18. In the office, with colleagues, around the water cooler or a function etc...stick to sports, weather and work. Better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt has always been my motto. Lets the doofuses on the team duke it out...sit back and profit.
  19. GG delivered us a W at Nebraska and i for one am eternally gratedful for that. I wish MB would have brought Sherrod Harris in for that initial series ex-Colt for the reasons you stated above. I cant recall who got backup/mop up during the season, Harris may not have played at all, cant recall. But i remember thinking in the Rose Bowl that night we have a JR upperclassman standing there , lets see if we can bridge things until Colt comes back in.
  20. Sark is playing it right by withholding information. I don’t think anyone is disputing that. There is no wisdom in being empathic one way or another with regards to who will start and who will play. Team/organization management seems to be a strong suit of his. IF MM shits the bed the first several drives, he will play Manning. You get 4 games. He has to see what he can do for future option. Catch lighting in a bottle subbing him in , win win. AM struggles in that scenario, you know what you got and go back to MM. Base case scenario as I see it is MM does enough to get us the W and you reevaluate heading into KSU. Best case scenario is we get a big lead (highly unlikely ) and get AM snaps and in case you need him the following week. Too many unknowns at this point. At UH, momentum is a real thing and the fake fg turned it. Herman fell victim to that countless times. We go up 24-7 and i believe the game makeup changes dramatically. Imo the drive was lost on the 3rd and long rb dive into the front, their strength. High risk high reward, and he lost
  21. yeah true. That Duke team plays hard and has some dudes.
  22. Add in FSU. Duke was up and driving in Q4 when they pulled Leonard's facemask and he re-injured his ankle trying to protect his neck and had to leave the game. Wheels came off after that. Duke was very much in that game until RL was taken out.
  23. We're going to see a lot of Savion Red this week. I look for the XW WR pass to show up again. Sark will call a very conservative passing gameplan for MM and try to lean on the running game. I would be surprised if we go for it in 4th and anything over a yard or two. If we bog down with 3 and outs early I could see Arch make an appearance for a drive to see if we can get anything cooking. The under and BYU plus the points is the play this weekend. Need our D to step up and get MM a ton of practice before the TCU, KSU ISU run of games.
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