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Everything posted by jdhorn92

  1. That barrage video showing the projectiles in unison and then the explosion is pretty damning for the Islamic Jihad.
  2. Ageee with all of that. But I’m here for the run. If we lose, which is entirely possible as you noted, we have no business being in the CCG. This squad needs to exercise all the demons of the last decade and do things none of those teams accomplished and that’s finish inferior teams on the road. Period. We lose one more and we deserve all the tie break misery due us
  3. Im going to the KState game, hoping its a nice brisk (not TCU last year cold) Nov evening game.
  4. Ah, yeah he would, especially a Surly one
  5. jdhorn92

    3rd and 9

    Disagree respectfully. Sack on 3rd loses us the game ; the run killed their last TO….Bama jumped OS and that sealed it, give OU the chance too. Made FG and no TO’s for OU , one stop and it’s game. I didn’t dislike the FG there. We made it and after as shitty as we played we are one defensive play away from winning it. On the last drive , DG made several great plays. Second guess all you want about the clock but we were ahead just like Bama last year thats all you can ask for imo
  6. UGA is another tough school to get accepted. I must say, having a Texas degree (we know this already) has a lot cache and meaning. I travel the country for work, mainly TX to VA and most of the Southeast states, and a Texas degree, even if just undergrad turns some heads. I think a lot of it is working with similar aged people who have bright kids that cant get in gives us/me/you a lot of credibility. With that said, one still has to prove themselves no matter the endeavor, but having that Texas degree and life experiences Austin, I wouldn't trade it.
  7. Same here. Sping of '88 went to Austin and stayed on the couch of a friend's sister at Orange Tree, they had a keg (s) in the courtyard all weekend and I thought i went to heaven. Tons of coeds talking up UT , spending time with us and passing on information about classes etc... of course I thought I had a chance with several of them, haha dumb me....overall that's what sealed it for me going to UT was Roundup, non-stop weekend so fun. I had to go provisional to get in but that summer '88 at Dobie was the best experience. I started summer1 before i graduated HS. Placed out of 10 hours of Spanish and took 12 hours. Those 22 hours before fall '88 Helped me get out in 4 years and introduced me to life on my own. Wouldn't trade that time for anything. My oldest didnt even apply to UT and goes to Auburn and she loves it. Auburn is a small campus, very walkable and overall a really good situation for her. Anecdotally, my bosses son was 4.0+ at Southlake, marching band and Varsity swim and UT wouldnt accept him, ended up at OU on a partial scholarship.
  8. I saw Burke in a knee brace after the Baylor game, was he in one for Bama? Or did he get injured somewhere along the line, didnt seem as disruptive the last couple games.
  9. Yes but if I recall, OU ran the Belldozer straight into our line all game. We had zero answer for the spread us out and sling offenses in the league and for some reason OU tried to run QB zone read all game and we stuffed it. I could be wrong on the year, but Stoops really effed that gameplan up
  10. Kansas would be a perfect for him if/when Liepold (sp) leaves for Michigan St. There is also likely to be an opening at Miss St after this year, but hard to tell if he's ready for that job, KU would be ideal.
  11. Very confusing sentence structure you have there, might i suggest: "I have a friend going to the game, her son plays for USC. Ill report back her experiences from the mean streets of Boulder". As an aside, we'd really rather just have pictures.
  12. Looks like its official now. I know this is older news, but KU dismisses Morris. Kansas dismisses transfer Arterio Morris after rape charge https://www.espn.com/mens-college-basketball/story/_/id/38520319/kansas-dismisses-transfer-arterio-morris-rape-charge
  13. Great back. Glad he’s on our team. To me he favors Shon Mitchell /Jamal Charles. Roshon always reminded me more of Chris O. Shon wasn’t here all that long but I see a lot of him in J Brooks.
  14. "...hundreds, thousands, consequently, millions...."
  15. In my best Keith Jackson voice..foot speed, foot speed , foot speed
  16. I fucked that up haha, totally mis-read it and now i cant delete Its easy once you're in, getting in is the hard part.
  17. Twitter X whatever, seemed to indicate he flipped , I’ll see if I can find it. Supposedly UF flipped 3 guys Sat night
  18. Saban is so retiring after this season. No proven QB next year, he’s not going through ‘23 for a second time. No playmakers on O. A defense that’s getting pushed around. $13m new home in Florida and a 9 game conference schedule. He gone
  19. That was my question , what music did they play? Was this when they played Alabama's Fiddle in the Band Song? Or was this an ongoing thing during longer TV timeouts and quarter breaks, once it was dark
  20. They pull out those camping head-lamps and velcro them around their head, under the coach's headsets.... they're kind of ghey looking so everyone quickly takes them off right as the light show is ending and hands them to a student GA, its all very sus and sketch and very clandestine
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