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Everything posted by jdhorn92

  1. We got the killer B’s rb room. Baxter Brooks and Blue. Throw in K-Rob and we got a hell of a committee. I don’t recall us playing 4 as consistently in many many years. I know Blue played more in Rice game
  2. Yep , I just re-watched it. It was a drop. I thought the Db got a hand in there
  3. Yeah you are correct. Just re-watched it. Thought the DB got a hand on it.
  4. The Bama deflection TD was called back , illegal man downfield.
  5. Brooks and worthy dropped TDs. J. Ford dropped an INT, not a WR I know. Kool Aid made a great play on the Brooks incompletion near the goal line
  6. Eating crown. Self admitting I was wrong. QE did everything I hoped he’d be able to do. Good on him and good on our horns.
  7. good catch, 80℉. On the iphone, type 80 then hold down zero and the degree symbol appears and slide finger over to it. I have 3 teenagers in the house, they are my IT dept.
  8. Are you referring to the initial image in the beginning of the "where will you be in 5 years" video? It's date stamped 2018. To me he has clearly aged in the recent video images accompanying the montage and gained 25. Maybe my sarcasm meter is off.
  9. 80℃ Depending on your computer, there are a few ways to type degrees. Here's the mac..err lilmac method. https://www.itprotoday.com/end-user-platforms/how-type-degree-symbol#close-modal
  10. You must me some big cigar. All I know is what I see, have seen over a dozen games and he isn’t the guy. Enlighten us on what you have seen behind the scenes indicating MM athletic deficiencies.
  11. sark told him to he more assertive in the QB run game. I just don’t believe he’s a plus+ athelete. Colt, VY , Sam , even Card all had that and I’m afraid it’s just a weak part of his game.
  12. Can’t be worse than our current QB’s run skillset. Tell me you’re naive to his inability to run side to side w/o tripping over himself , without telling me such? he lays an egg vs Bama and MM plays a lot in the coming weeks.
  13. However that happens, Injury, illness , discipline, performance , equipment issue, whatever it is, if MM makes plays in a meaningful game, then QE era is over
  14. College football, you 100% have to have a QB who can make yards when the play breaks down. You have to be mobile enough to evade a rush and when you are flushed out, have the poise to get rid of it, find an outlet or tuck it and get yards moving first laterally and then cutting up field. QE can do none of the above and thus we are screwed. If/when MM shows his ability in a game to make a lateral move , then a cut and tuck it, off schedule, QE won’t ever see the field again.
  15. Getting a Ginger and Marianne feeling here. For the youngs on the board, you won’t get it
  16. QE is a shit QB and we aren’t winning anything of note with him. No agility or sudden-ness to his game. He’s got cement in his shoes and literally fell over himself 3 times. Can’t believe how shitty he looked. Has he ever lifted a weight?
  17. He’s terrible. No agility , no sudden-ness to his game. He’s not the guy
  18. Every year my Dad, brother, three cousins and two of their friends from Portland all go up to a family cabin in MT on the Idaho border about 60 miles south of Canada. Some of you may know Coeur d'Alene, it's in that general area of Sandpoint/Clark River. Anyway, we have done it yearly for the last 5-6 years , we are all in our 50's , save my Dad who is in mid 70's. Without a doubt, it's the most therapeutic long weekend of the year. Between the war stories, butt stories, jokes, life/current events, copious amounts of beer , weed , cigars, we have the best time. Work in a little fishing, camp maintenance , fire pit management, poker and grilling, without that trip, there would be a void for sure. B/c of that trip, I initiated 2 other group text threads and have been able to re-connect with different groups of about 15 friends, one of which we have started a ATX game watching annual trip. There is loneliness in this country, but I truly believe you get out of it what you put in. Being a friend, lending an ear, participating in life is action oriented. The only thing that is going to separate who you are today, from who you will be in 10 years is the people you associate with and the books you read.
  19. Very old Harvard study started 60-70 years ago followed hundreds of males throughout their lives. As the men aged in to their 70's+, the one common theme among those that lived the fullest, happiest lives, was the existence of male/male (no gay) relationships. In other words, guys need their guy time. Whatever it is, poker night, beers, ball games, running, hunting club (which is really drinking and poker at my place), etc..
  20. Fowler said “sec replay crew” or something to that effect. But he also thought that FG was good so there’s that.
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