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Everything posted by jdhorn92

  1. Lot of speculation the toddler was a set up, but if it's legit, why hasnt Hoover PD released a description of the assailant(s). Seems odd they would hold this intel back, unless the woman is still in shock
  2. Someone should have had him read "The orphan master's son" before he pulled this stunt. He's not going to love the spa room at the DPNK Hilton. Get Bill Richardson on the line stat if the worm is preoccupied.
  3. Weird story. Woman sees toddler on side of the interstate outside Bham, stops to give aid, calls 911 and then calls her family. During the family call, she screams and is not heard from again......Until she shows up at home 49 hours later. No other reporting of drivers seeing a child on the interstate or her abductors. Police have a lot of unanswered questions. https://www.cnn.com/2023/07/19/us/what-we-know-carlee-russell-alabama/index.html
  4. Nothing against trans. The original character is gay, director went trans. Otto is ocd on tradition, rules, conformity etc.. His character never would have not-questioned that. it was a stupid add to the plot line and not needed. That was my original point, i acknowledged i used the word 'politica'l up-thread out of context. I actually loathe the word woke, but that's where the director went with the artistic license. His choice, my opinion.
  5. Thats kind of my point, you cant avoid it in everyday life. One can only hope a movie wouldn't be so obvious as to do that too, when it added nothing to the story. For example the kid didn't need to be trans, the real estate company didn't need to have an anti- American name. That's all im saying. Give it a break for 2 hours and let us enjoy the story sans trying to make points. In this case, the story wa good enough. I guess Im closer in age to the 'get off my lawn' demo than the younger surly members. Sucks getting old haha
  6. Politics may be the wrong word , but the name of the real estate company is "Dye and Merica" or something like that. There were a couple of other shots. As i said, I liked it overall, but was little much in some areas.
  7. Liked it overall, other than the overt political messages they weave in, but I suppose that is in everything these days.
  8. jdhorn92

    Mad Men

    Lane's final scene was so subtle yet so profound. Up to that point, and for decades later, Jaguars were known to be a very unreliable and expensive line to repair. Sure they were a status car, luxurious by any standard, but due to their manufacturing set up, there were very few parts stateside. Most, if not all, parts had to be shipped from the UK, making repair work (factory warranty or not) very costly. Most warranty companies don't even underwrite Jags for extended protection and if they do, the extra cost is literally $5-$6K for 100k miles. The agency had access to a demo, not sure if it was actually Lane's personal driver or not, but as he is attempting to kill himself, he tries to eat a bullet by inhaling the exhaust fumes. As per my the first paragraph, the Jag won't crank!
  9. Coolidge, Salami and Thorpe, that was good a nucleus to build around. Haywood off the bench.
  10. such a great show. looked forward to that show every week.
  11. yeah true. Based on what we've been able to discern Wagner had no idea this war would go so poorly. When Pig started going rouge with his protestations , it backfired and he didnt get the support he wanted. By then it would have been to obvious to have the families all start packing up. He likely didnt plan that far in advance and how could he pick and choose what key guys to have their families leave in a clandestine way...wives talk, certain relatives are there one day and gone the next, it would have been too big an undertaking to move that many key people out w/o FSB picking up on it. At the end of the day (i hate when people say that lol), this war went from bad to worse and unraveled so methodically on these guys that i dont think they thought it would be the quagmire its become and everyone involved is so far in, they literally dont know what to do except just keep throwing more bodies at it. Pig was like fuck this , we're out
  12. What do you think the offered lifeline was? My gut tells me he was offered safe haven in Belarus as long as he doesnt fuck with the motherland. Continue to profit from on-going Wager operations and be available for special assignments tbd? And if they take UKR, installed as defacto leader, provided he is non-hostile to RU and if hes a good soldier, perhaps run Belarus in time?
  13. we’ll there is a half bath that’s freed up
  14. i could see him taking up settlement in Rostov, and then calling for complete removal of troops from UKR. he’ll get an idea of how many he has on his side….get the chechnyans on board and make his way to Moscow. UKR would be wise to hold lines and buckle down for 24 hours.
  15. Ha! good point. As an insurance man, I would think submarine hobby at 13K ft is an exclusion, unless they bought something like hole in one insurance as a one off policy.
  16. I read that too. Transportation Sec Pete was saying last week they anticipated this weekend being the busiest travel day since the Pandemic. 19th is a Federal holiday. As others have said, this may have been isolated to AUS. I'm flying to Roanoke tomorrow on Delta on my way to the Greenbrier, so curious to see how it goes.
  17. Good to know. I am pretty fluent in Spanish thanks to highschool and UT. Is it similar to Kerouac's On the Road? Minus the Spanish.
  18. Sure apprears that way. And thank you for posting the tweet so I didnt have to go to twitter. Very good read. I think the answer is yes , we've been led to believe the defensive line was much stronger than its showing to be. What we know about RU is their military is lazy, largely disinterested and apathetic. Sure there are holdouts, but overall they are wilting under fire and but for the sheer size of the landmass that needs to be retaken, its just a matter of time. RU looks to be holding out for the long game and still shelling civilians as their fastball. Godspeed to the UKR that they can keep the resolve up
  19. I read Empire of the Summer Moon, which had several graphic passages. The Orphan Master's Son about North Korea also had several torture stories. Cant wait to start this one. And no, I am not a masochist haha.
  20. Same, just ordered now, after wanting to do so for months. Cant wait to start it.
  21. iirc his brother turned him in. wonder if he got a reward. didn’t he find teds writings in the attic and matched it up to the editorial? i may be misremembering.
  22. That's interesting, i just looked mine up and im down 6.9% wrt balance at end of dec '21 v balance after yesterday's close. Ive stayed in the same funds and contributed the maximum allowable by IRS all along. Im in Small Cap Index, LG Cap Value index, Total Mkt Index and Large cap growth index. All with Fidelity. Id be curious if you changed your investments or added contribution amounts, as I feel decent about things, but am still down 6.9% before today is factored in.
  23. maybe the ncaa will stop trying to force these matchups, jeebus we’ve known for years the aggies could fuck up a wet dream.
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