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Everything posted by jdhorn92

  1. Yeah, the more this conflict drags on and the more video (albeit anecdotal) we see, the more the incompetence of the RU military shines through. Hard to discern the totality of the war and the command structure, but it sure seems like they are leaderless. It always reminds me of how good our boys are, the middle management line of officers ( I don't know the correct military terms) that we possess is so critical. Leadership is so important in sports, business and really any endeavor worth taking on, you have to have core competency of job function, training, initiative etc... I am so proud of our military.
  2. Well that sucked especially coming off the WVU beat down. Very humbling.
  3. is that the one where he plays a 911 dispatcher and gets too involved/wrapped up in a call?
  4. Just finished Chimp Empire , we liked it, different. The first one was great.
  5. complete smoke show behind home plate, front row.
  6. yeah that must have been it. i graduated may 92 so must have been that season. back when you’re student ID got you in
  7. not really but i was at the Disch for a few late inning W’s vs Miami in the 88-92 era. amazing later inning rallys
  8. understood. my contribution on the matter was to point out the Big10 wanted to expand, mainly to get in to the conf championship business. they stated the desire to “explore “ expansion. Missou was quickly the first to raise their hand and thus put all of this in motion, as Neb quickly threw their name in the hat. Was an offer to Mizzou imminent as one poster above asserts, that i have no opinion on, but we all know Mizzou saying the hell with our B8 brothers and to hell with the b12 put the wheels in motion for Neb , Tamu etc. That seemed to be challenged above by a few posters.
  9. here you gobud since you are a little new to this topic https://kckingdom.com/2021/07/27/missouri-football-mizzou-tigers-stayed-big-12/ Thus, the first domino.
  10. That was a 2 second google search. anyone who know anything about that time knows Mizzou was the first school to make overtures to the B10 re expansion. this has been discussed. heck chip browns anniversary article was out recently, recounting the timeline.
  11. you’re way over your skis if you don’t think Nebraska left the b12 and blamed Texas on the way out of the door. they left in ‘11 and LHN launched in ‘12. you think we just shit the network out of our ass overnight? that deal was talked about well in advance of launch and Neb knew it was coming. hell we offered to partner with Tamu on a “lone star “ network.
  12. that was hard https://www.espn.com/college-sports/news/story?id=5184715
  13. Really? Lets not go down this road again for the 100th time. Do i need to dredge up the articles for you...please say no, as this is very common knowledge that Mizzou, upon hearing the B10 may expand circa late '09, completely lifted their skirt and threw themselves all over the Big. When Nebraska found out , they pulled rank and trumped the Tigers...using us as cover , 1 second on the clock, rev sharing etc....Mizzou got the ball rolling on this whole deal, Neb rolled over so fast, all this in the interest of trying to stop a shitty 3rd tier rights TV channel.
  14. Thats what got all this going It Is well documented
  15. furk me. The woo is a goner, Abel’s soon too…on campus ‘88-92, great years to be at Texas as i recall Austin had not changed yet to the cosmopolitan city we see now. Round-Up, nascent days of SXSW, add-drops in the drum. Renee Zelwegger was a buddy, great times. we would go to dry creek on near Mt Bonnell…I wonder if the “bring your bottles back” old lady is still running that joint?
  16. Back in the day, they used to call those detachable collars a Dickey.
  17. I’m not sure you saw what he did there.
  18. The devil we know (a teetering Putin, nukes centralized, RU in tact for the most part but out of Ukraine) is better than the devil we don't (a dozen war lords and oligarchs further destabilizing the region and selling off the nukes).
  19. Was that the hit on the TE in the endzone? If so , huge play. That, and the Limas catch were so nails. I was there that night and for me, it was the best game Ive seen live.
  20. Mods can delete if there is already a thread or move to CR. Methodist Churches are disaffiliating in large numbers due to actions at the General Conference level over human sexuality and same sex marriage. As a Methodist (convert from Catholic), I hate to see this division. The main issue appears to be the move toward allowing openly Gay ordained clergy and the acknowledgement of same sex marriage. As a Christian, I am big tent guy and don't have a problem with it (I voted as such in our recent Board of Stewards meeting), though I am a bit agnostic on the whole matter in total. Our BOS voted to not disaffiliate by the Dec deadline and wait and see how the General Conference goes next year. I love our Church and will stay either way honestly, but I hate seeing social issues bleed over in to the congregation, though I suppose this is the world we live in now. https://www.christianitytoday.com/news/2023/january/umc-churches-leave-global-methodist-denomination-schism.html
  21. I doubt they realize the UKR military is more westernized and will treat them humanely, for the most part. All they know is the horror stories passed down from Chechnya where the Muslims beheaded, tortured, murdered and stuck detainees in pits. My guess is they only know the Russian way.
  22. Cho went to my highschool, JJ Pearce, though a good bit younger. RIP young man.
  23. Have you been to North Dallas suburbs lately? Frisco, Allen , Mckinney, really anywhere north of LBJ , this is not your 70-80's Dallas anymore. Im not saying that is a bad thing, its just not all white like you think. Been to Northern VA, same thing, Fairfax, Chantilly, Tysons. No racist, just an observation. Hi- tech jobs, booming economy, cheap-ish real estate (in Dallas anyway), the North Dallas burbs are turning very diverse and attracting people/families of all nationalities.
  24. Oh man....now there is a name sure to stir up the populace. One Darrell Scott, havent thought of him in many many years. Not sure if it was Hornfans or Surly, but there was a time when the recruitment of this RB elicited some serious emotions. https://www.barkingcarnival.com/2008/10/03/darrell-scott-was-the-recruiting-story-of-the-past-5-years-but-he-will-be-a-non-factor-this-weekend
  25. Always reminds me of when Army and the Aggies squared off several years ago. IIRC Army had them beat but a late turnover foiled the upset. Either on here or shaggy, it was called Army vs Fake Army, I laughed. Another good laugh was when the aggie ladies won a natty in basketball I think.....TAMU, where the women are champions and the men are cheerleaders.
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