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Everything posted by jdhorn92

  1. You got that right. The boat market, especially Center Consoles right now (well actually the last 3 years), has been pretty good for re-sale. I could make money on my Sea Hunt that I bought used right when Covid hit March '20.
  2. Damn Charles …it’s Hook’em , not Book’em.
  3. Sounds like you got me by a few years; that lineman you are referring to,Childress, was my neighbor.
  4. Hey now! For a pretty pedestrian football history, we did have a couple Super Bowl participants (if not stsrrers), the year the titans played the Rams. Aggie Safety and Tony D’s boy. When I was there we were a swimming, AC decathalon and soccer school.
  5. Thank goodness for Next year’s portal , a we will likely be very active for a WR if we lose all those guys
  6. I think this is the line you were looking for: Frank or George or Bill or Tom, anything but Sue
  7. we may have gone to the same HS. JJP?
  8. Me and a college buddy are going to Nashville, first time for both of us. We are looking for recs on all around grest bars for county dancing!! We both married gals who aren’t really into country music , so we want a throwback weekend where we can have some good honest fun , drinking , dancing shooting pool. Never been to Nashville. Where are the best spots, staying at JW. Live music is a plus but more into cool bars where we can dance and cut up shoot pool.
  9. My thoughts exactly, in Times Square , no less. I know that place is cleaned up , but from what little I could tell, seems like he date rape drugged the kid.
  10. Watched the Hatchet Hitchhiker last night. Pretty crazy, cant believe I never heard that story. I came away somewhat sympathetic to the guy. I feel like he got raped, but no way his personality is going to give him the benefit of the doubt, way too may stories out there for him to mount any kind of defense. The laced joint comment, cutting his hair, going back to the scene obviously shows premeditation. Bizarre story. Feel bad for the guy, with all those degenerate reality TV types trying to make profiteer off him. Dude just wanted to get high, vagabond and surf.
  11. With Ojomo and Coburn both heading to the draft, we seem to be a little thin DT. Byron Murphy and Sweat and then who? Collins, Broughton and the FR S. Mitchell. I hope we are looking to the portal for another couple 300lb ers. Last year we were able to hold the line with a strong 6 man rotation.
  12. True but you get club access to Priority Pass clubs There is one in New Orleans we used recently while flying AA to and from Austin
  13. I got caught in it. Flight cancelled. Thankfully was able to book on another airline with a connection. Got on a delayed flight and with a connection, should get home at same time, good lord willing.
  14. That and brooks had surgery for hernia, we’ve seen how those can linger, with Jwhitt. Blue would be in line for a lot of work this spring
  15. Totally plausible, couldnt agree more. I too lived in a party house. Me and a couple HS buddies right after college. An Aggie, a Poke and Longhorn, Imagine that, ha! Sounds like the start of a joke. One of my buddies was at UTSW med school (one of smartest fuckers I ever knew), another the F&B manager at Bent Tree and I worked in Finance. We had this house right off Greenville Ave in Dallas near the entrance to White Rock bike trail. We went hard in those early 20's years, girls in and out, buddies crashing on the couch. Poker mid-week, pool table in the garage, never locked our door, total animal house shit . Lot of shenanigans going on late night that would have/should have raised a red flag, but you take a lot for granted when you're young and life is easy.
  16. That, and a classmate placed him in the library about the time he was thought to have been killing/hiding the body or with Jay. The details are fuzzy, but i think the classmate testimony got the process going. @Nicole44 will know.
  17. I bet you're fun at parties. Spelling is your thing, b/c it sure isn't grammar. I mean come on man, if you're going to throw shade, get your own house in order. Fair enough?
  18. There is a good except in Patton's book about Stahlin and Christmas. The Russians as we know have had a long history on again off again Christmas celebrations. Fo many year is was banned. In the chapter the author talks about Stahlin's daughter visiting the Brittish embassy during Christmas. She comes back all giddy and happy about the Holiday. At that time the Russians were forced to celebrate the birth of Jesus in a clandestine manner. Stahlin was pissed about how happy his daughter was acting. Long and short of it, Stahlin essentially invents a Russian version of Christmas sans the story of Jesus. Later in the book we find out the daughter falls in love with a Russian soldier; Stahlin being the sadist he was, has the fella shipped to the front and certain death. Yep you guessed it, he as of Ukranian decent. Patton was 100% correct about the Russians.
  19. Probably more likely what wasn't said. Perhaps no act of contrition and more hiding behind "my GF is a loon"
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