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Everything posted by jdhorn92

  1. Adrian Alaniz is sending us his best player, will have to look up the name, but saw where we got a kid signed from Sinton in C/O '22
  2. 60 Minutes did a story on this 5-10 years ago, ill edit/link if i can find it.
  3. I capture rain water in 2-45 gallon buckets attached to 2 downspouts and use gravity/fall and garden hose to water my plants. Of course I live where we get 60" a year and the capture of rainwater is not illegal.
  4. haha, yeah that happened in New York I think, after his best years as a Dodger. Same thing happened to Knoblauch iirc. Incidentally, Sax did a commercial in the 80's where the janitor comes into the locker room while he is lacing up his spikes, something about nerves and hanging them up if you ever lose the butterflies before a game....that commercial always stuck with me when he started getting the yips
  5. Steve Sax was one of my heroes growing in Southern CA. Stud 2nd baseman who took over for Davey Lopes. Sax was one of the rookie of the year players the Dodgers grew on the farm. Fernando, Sax, Pedro Guererro, the lefty reliever?? who had all the drug problems, Mike Marshall or Greg Brock. They had something sick like 5 or 6 in a row in the mid-late 80's edit: had to google it: Steve Sax 1982 Fernando Valenzuela 1981 Steve Howe 1980 Rick Sutcliffe 1979
  6. Producer of this broadcast: “alright guys it’s been a few batters since we showed someone doing horns down. Can we get that fixed?”
  7. This ECU pitcher is the one they should have started
  8. texassports.com select Baseball, select schedule, go all the way to the bottom and find the ECU game, select listen, profit
  9. did you go to the one on main st or the current locale?
  10. HAHAHA! Oh shit, thank you
  11. He's 23 according to AF website? How is he a sophomore 5 years after graduating HS. Assuming he graduated at 19, 2 year mission (?), 21, 2 years in College? Throw in a Covid year, he could have been 18 at graduation. I have no idea if he is mormon. Maybe he sat out a year?
  12. No, we're going back to South Carolina, again. Hehehehe
  13. I’d rather play ECU on the road as opposed to LSU at home (or another Power 5 school like ark, UNC etc..). We got a decent path to Omaha considering our mid -season swoon. Losing 4 of 5 on spring break, blowing the lead to KSU etc.
  14. Except we shit the bed in 5 games in that state about a month ago
  15. Yeah that, and I seem to remember a Pepperdine Super loss
  16. May need to switch, the nasaly New York radio dj voice is annoying
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