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Everything posted by jdhorn92

  1. ECU radio guy sounds like Artie from Howard Stern.
  2. Talk to the other guy i knew the deal
  3. Only if Coastal beats ECU today would we host next weekend. If ECU wins, we are headed there.
  4. Not this Texas team. Maybe some in the recent past , but ‘22 built different
  5. Lsu wins a wild one last night with 10 run 8th and tonight scores 4 in 9 th to win
  6. Looks like gorilla ball is back in college baseball based on these scores
  7. Not to mention the opening monologue disclosed the cancer diag for Jones
  8. That game will be a dynamite game to watch. Couple teams that can mash
  9. Hell of a win! Props to Campbell. I’ve been down on him , got to give credit to the kid
  10. Yep has had a rough soph year but he’ll be fine next year
  11. Good morning good day and good night 1 out
  12. Stevens, then Nixon then Cobb is my guess
  13. Haha he did! interestingly, as a kid I remember his gun locker and it had an uzi
  14. We go every year to PC/Deer Valley to ski. We liked Tupelo. It was much cooler when it was on Main St. Dont know if there lease expired of if Covid got them, anyway they moved off of Main. Solid place, not crazy expensive but very good.
  15. Check out Seal Beach. Cool little walkable town. Very old school Socal beach town. There is a little hotel called the Pacific Inn. Stayed there dozens of times, free breakfast, no frills but very clean, nice staff, and you can walk to the pier, little town , bars, shops. Good parking at the Inn, and from there you can get to Belmont Shores or 2nd st in Long Beach or go South to Huntington. Seal Beach may not be far enough south for what you are looking for.
  16. My dad was a SS agent, not on Reagan's PPD, but he was on PPD for a year each of Carter and Ford, this was back when SS agents were badasses.
  17. Texas Player Morehouse, Zane Stevens, Tristan Harrison, Luke Southard, Jared Nixon, Aaron i imagine this is the Saturday pitching line up. Maybe ex Stevens, and start him for the final Id we can win without him having to pitch
  18. Has the 2nd A been challenged in court? If you read the 2A , seems like it could be argued that it is not a right to carry unless you can prove you are going to use for anti-tyrannical govt needs. On some level I would think a law suit against gun manufacturer, the shooter, his family, estate etc.. would have merit.
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