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Everything posted by jdhorn92

  1. The Second Amendment, ratified in 1791, was proposed by James Madison to allow the creation of civilian forces that can counteract a tyrannical federal government. Anti-Federalists believed that a centralized standing military, established by the Constitutional Convention, gave the federal government too much power and potential for violent oppression. Gun apoligists need to read the 2nd amendment. Our founding fathers didnt intend for assault rifles to be used on children. Sensible reforms are needed. Mental health is a pandemic and gun rights need to be brought to current day realities. We need to ban assault rifles, mandatory background checks, licensed to carry and cut out added that any health professional can call for a hearing to revoke said privaleges to carry.
  2. @Hate...Im not seeing it, what am i missing here boss? As a gulf coast resident, i watch this stuff pretty closely
  3. ok got it thanks, I see it now. ty
  4. Can someone explain the guy with the broken arm? What was the bit they were planning?
  5. Wouldn’t you want to say the opposite ? If you’re going to kill 740 and survive 260, wouldn’t you Say 260 surrendered and here they are , paying no mind to the 760 they murdered.
  6. It involved a cramped coffin space under the house and a claw hammer. It was pretty shitty
  7. Yeah I knew a ton of those guys pretty well 88-92. Overall a great group , lot of Dallas Jesuit and Strake guys but they had some shitheads who ruined it for everyone
  8. Shocked that a Berkowitz and an Aiza could make it in. I remember the E house being the most white bred HP , Kincaid mother fuckers on west campus.
  9. I posted a few weeks ago about Patton, but just finished Killing Patton (i know I know Reilly), but Gatdamn Patton was right. But for a war weary nation and political climate at home, and the Japan theater opening up full go, we should have pushed their shit in, all the way back to Moscow. The geo-political ramifications of letting Stahlin have so much influence and obstensibly ignoring Churchill in many discussions of how Europe was divided , I found to be fascinating. Patton was a lot of things, most notably a grade A asshole, but he was right.
  10. Gus has an elaborate way to stay safe at night, but yet works front line counter at the Pollo. Doesn't really square.
  11. Remember we started this show with Wendy getting bent over by her BF, should have known all along we were going to hate her cheating ass.
  12. Alright smart ass, other than young, who are the superstars? This Bama offense has no Jeudy, ruggs, Williamson, Davonte Smith, waddle or any of the other 4-5 NFL Rb’s they have trotted out there year after year. Since you are the expert, explain to me who the playmakers are? Throw in the fact their two returning leading pass catchers transferred here, I’d say this Bama team is significantly lacking in star power vs what we’ve been used to.
  13. Haha. We'll see, they recruit lights out... but I dont see any returning production in the 2-deep. First time in forever.
  14. Bama's offense will be lacking in superstars, other than QB. If we can score , we'll be in this game until the end.
  15. Hes going to win. In the past when he has been behind, they allowed him to stay in and get whole. they never told him he was out, mainly b/c they didnt win. now they win when hes behind and they tell him hes out. if hes behind and in when they lose, then hes in when hes behind and they win.
  16. Supposedly the guys brother has been “missing” (ie left his wife, disappeared) for 5 years. I suppose the elaborate plan could have been hatched as far back as 2017… brother disappears, the perp grooms the guard and there you have it.
  17. Didnt see this posted. Alabama female sheriff's deputy, one day prior to retirement, sells her house , banks the cash and breaks out a convicted murderer. Now on the run, and he's tall 6'9" https://www.wvtm13.com/article/casey-white-alabama-capital-murder-jail-escape-deputy-vicki/39876654#
  18. Im on the Board of Stewards at our United Methodist Church. We have lost quite a few families over the last 12-18 mos over this deal. Thankfully the vast majority of our Church takes a very pragmatic view on this issue and we will be remaining with the United Methodist Church. I have no problem with gays and lesbians in the Church, wanting to get married etc.. although I do understand why those have left and to each his own. I will say from what i have witnessed, its devastating to the district leaders, ministers, lay leaders , as politics have crept in to pur Church life, though i suppose its been there all along in varying degrees. I think on whole, everyone wanted this deal to just be a personal choice, left alone for everyone to interpret and act as they feel compelled to do. I wish it was that simple and each minister could do as they please and if someone had a problem with it, they could make a decision that best suits them personally. I know that may have been pollyanna thinking.
  19. Just used the Centurion Club in Terminal D DFW for the first time. Im a Delta guy so I am in the Sky Clubs around the country quite frequently. I am a Amex Platinum Card holder. I was not overly impressed with the Club. Way too crowded, hardly any place to sit. I found it to be very loud, more of a "bar" vs a private club. The Sky Clubs (especially at SLC, Reagan, and B terminal ATL) are just as nice if not nicer, imo.
  20. For sure, not far at all, less than an hour. I fly in and out of PNS all the time. Instead of getting on I-10 and heading west to Baldwin County Beaches exit, you can take back streets through Pensacola and come out past the Navy Base and it drops you right on the Beach road. 2 lanes (but it moves no problem, as there is very little traffic that way) until you get to the Flora Bama and then it opens up to 4 lanes with a center turn lane. Not a bad drive, but he scenery getting out Pcola takes you through the hood, keep your wits about you if you stop.
  21. Ah, ok I see. I read that completely wrong. Thank you.
  22. Help me out, how is Jimmy still barred in BB when he is back practicing in BCS? Also, he has clients in BB, im not remembering.
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