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Everything posted by jdhorn92

  1. I watched the Dateline. Appears guilty to me.
  2. I like where you are going here, but there are RU troops in breakaway areas of Moldova already, these areas are internationally recognized as Moldova. If Romania were to come to the aid of Moldova , or annex them in as you suggest, then theorectically the NATO article kicks in and we're all at war. I dont think Moldova, a young Republic (1992 iirc), can rely on Romania unfortunately , in the same way UK is not likely to see any state/foreign direct troop involvement.
  3. Something definitely clicked for her when she and Jimmy did the first scam on the guy in the restaurant, way back. I don't recall exactly the scam, but it got the endorphins kicking for her and she has been 'in' on most of Jimmy's shenanigans since.
  4. looked like a G-ride, so im going with the DA's law man.
  5. I used to work with one, well she was Phillipino. He would go back to her Island (err village) hometown once a year and I always figured she would off him there. Not yet apparently, and of course , they live in Florida.
  6. Finished it this weekend, really enjoyed it. Not much more to add that hasnt been said already about Burns, antenneas in the attic (for years a I had a huge bat wing in the attic and would often watch SEC game of the week on CBS ota vs cable, as the ota version was nails), liking Nat'l Parks as my favorite of his works. General thoughts while scattershooting the Franklin piece; sounds like the poon hound had a bit of rough go of it in Paris. Not surprised his relationship with his son was so bad, life has a way of repeating itself, glad he had Temple, and later, his grandkids. His wife sounded like a bad ass herself, holding down all those businesses. Type setting was nuts hard, dang what a trade.
  7. If you are in to deep water diving, highly recommend the book Shadow Divers. True story great read about deep water diving (200+ feet iirc) discovery off the coast of NJ of a German U-boat.
  8. fire sale on ebay from all the loot they stole hightailing it out of the Kiev burbs
  9. well , the whole thing about fake army would be a fit.
  10. wonder if this is the guy killing homeless people in NY and DC
  11. We have a family friend (from Alabama) who has a kid playing football at Trinity. They love it. CSB
  12. Not many teams have 4 weekend starters. We’re still struggling from the Witt injury. Totally effed up who comes in and when. But lots of teams have injuries (Bama, Msu), so we need to keep it going
  13. I don't believe anything coming out of Russia. 100% propaganda and parsed via Moscow to hide the truth from her citizens. Just my opinion. I do try to read as much as i can , but i dont believe they RU people are coming around to Putin voluntarily.
  14. I am really not trying to be a dick, but this part of your post is laughable. You think a poll in Russia is going to be an honest assessment? How about the opinion in DKNR, Cuba under Castro or Venezuela. The Russians live in faux democracy..its all fake, window dressing..they support Putin b/c dissent means death. We are not going to get a true opinion poll out of Russia, the state owns everything (that's the definition of Communism). The people go along with everything b/c Putin has made it appear that they are westernized. There is nothing honest about the Godless commies and the people dont know what they dont know.
  15. Nix needs to be a long man, no more late inning outings. Now DC k's again. Why did we not pinch hit to lead off 8th...brutal coaching. Everyone knows Nix has lost it and DC is auto out, should have pinch hit a lefty to start 8th
  16. I could see it. The transfer 3b is coming on in conference play after a slow start. Baseball is the streakiest of all sports, so im rooting for him.
  17. Nice win we needed that. We really need a sweep. Tcu losing tonight is big.
  18. I don’t know man he started like the first 10 games and we got nada from him. His D is solid , but situationally , his hitting has given us nada offensively. I guess we don’t necessarily HAVE to have it but he’s been very meh offensively
  19. Oh no here we go again, we’ve been through this. My sarcasm meter is off tonight so can’t tell if you’re being serious. Last I checked he’s hitting sub 200
  20. Nixon needs a solid outing here. He’s been off since the Tx st game
  21. No way man he’s been horrible this year.
  22. Got to give you props for that one. You know I’ve been a critic. Nice pop for the young man.
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