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Everything posted by jdhorn92

  1. UK going into Russia , albeit awesome to see, is one of the things a recent Russian spokesman said would put Nukes on the table. He said a “threat to the state” or something to that effected is the only way they would use them.
  2. Yeah, if you don't know who Sklyer is, then do yourself a favor and get to BB asap. And strap it on, you are in for one fun ride. The more I know, the more I wish I knew less so I could go back and watch it with virgin eyes.
  3. Judy Garland movie with Renee Z...nails, great movie Fury- ok, not great, but I like WWII
  4. Good to see you Charlie Wilson, you would have loved the movie about your exploits in mid-east
  5. Halfway through it right now, its a great read. Nearly all of what is happening right now can be tied back to the very end of WWII. Patton was absolutely correct in his disdain and thought about who the Russians were. A Godless country. Not sure how accurate, but the story about Stahlin's step daughter and her Christmas experience at the UK embassy in Moscow was riveting. Stahlin was lowest form of human being and Putin is Stahlin reincarnate. Stahlin was so jealous of his step daughter's love interest (a Ukranian) that he sent him to a labor camp to die in Siberia. We never should have let the Russians in to Berlin first, Patton was right, but he didnt play well with others and his hubris got the best of him, but it is also what made him the best of us.
  6. Would remind me of the French Army Rifle I saw on ebay....never fired, dropped twice.
  7. in the movie Fury, those Shermans had a door in the bottom, for escape. I guess the Rooskie models do not
  8. sorry not sorry Rooskies https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2022/03/24/7334084/
  9. Ive been saying that all year, i don't know if it's Valmy or Fletch, but one of those two thinks he will be a strong contributor this year, i dont see it though.
  10. Russian army seems like the gang that cant shoot straight. Under the cover of nukes, they seem like bad asses..now we are getting a look under the hood vs a better opponent, and they are not faring too well. I think the continued targeting of civilians is an indication of how bad its going militarily. They are resorting to the low hanging fruit which is large stationary res buildings since they cant inflict large damage on many military units, installations etc..
  11. Yeah we need it. We lost a lot of momentum starting with that UCLA loss. Then the Witt news, Todd etc.. I know losing a starter has turned the starting pitching order upside down and the trickle down from that has caused disruption. We need to get the P staff back on track. Disappointed we couldnt go 3-2 in SC. 2-3 in the Palmetto state was very disappointing, but it happens. The competition was strong and hopefully this prepares us for road conference games.
  12. I called golden spikes on him a few weeks ago. I agree with you. I watch , listen or follow every Texas game, so I only see him on the regular, but it would be hard to a 5 tool SS like him , imo
  13. Nice win. Hodo, Faltine , Ivan all shined. This team has the IT factor.
  14. HAHAHAH he's JAG. He needs to sit, we have to have another bat on the bench that get the ball out of the infield. He's the same player as he was last year. Nice guy, team guy, has a little speed but jeebus he couldn't hit the broadside of a barn with a bass fiddle.
  15. Time to give another player a shot. DC is a weak player
  16. Campbell is really struggling , we have to have a 5th OF who can do better
  17. First pitch time? Is the other game going long , or some such?
  18. Our conferences is 2x as hard as that conference. We’re going to lose some games vs a tough b12 lineup. TCU, OSU and Ou are touney teams. Baylor and tech are no joke. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.
  19. There coach is a glorified hs coach , can’t stand that guy he’s bb dad on 10x
  20. I get it, NO is not for everyone. Could be generational, Ive been going to NO pretty regularly since I was a freshman at Texas in 88, its part of Americana that is an acquired taste. Its an old, gritty, historical city that has a unique appeal. People who say I dont go there b/c its dirty, really have no business really talking about NO, you don't get it and you never will. and that's AOK. Me bagging on you thinking you should stick to Scottsdale and Seaside...I am as guilty as you for bagging on NO. Carry on. Hookem
  21. Campbell? Meh, he is the weakest of the current group platooning, imo
  22. To go along with that O, they have a frosh phenom out of the pen that is supposedly throwing 100+ mph. Twitterverse been all over the kid so far.
  23. Got it...the weather affected the game or something to that effect
  24. Know how I know you live in either Frisco, Plano, Allen, The Woodlands or Katy.
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