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Everything posted by jdhorn92

  1. Pretty much. Vasek hasnt done anything except be hurt. Dont want to lose him, but he needs to eat himself into a DT role or he will get passed by with the incoming FR we have. Hate it for the kid but the best ability is availability and another surgery takes him out of spring and sets him back again.
  2. The guard committed to Tennessee. Center is still in play.
  3. Joe Rogan is not in that pic
  4. Not only recruits, Karic was on the roster and transferred. And then became a multiyear starter.
  5. Karic (from SLC, Quinn’s Teammate) turned in to a multi-year starter at Tennessee.
  6. Great thread topic, thank you for prompting. I had not sat down yet this year and put things on paper like I usually do the week between Christmas and New Years. Most people don't have a plan that fails, but more often, fail to plan. Continue maxing out 401k. Starting my 27th year with the same company, so I feel decent about retirement fund. Likely going to grind another 10 years and try to get to 65. Sell my recently deceased FIL's house. Use equity to remodel beach house. We have an unfinished first floor that will add a lot of usable square footage and will prepare us for future family growth (spouses and gr kids good Lord willing) and add a lot of value. One in college (jr) and two more soon. Continue $100/week + $500 monthly + $1,500 quarterly to Vanguard Brokerage and 529. Comes out to appx $17K a year, for college and what i call the intermediate needs fund. Been pounding it for 20 years and have tinkered with the amounts based on needs/earnings etc.. dollar cost averaging and compounding for the younger readers is a phenomenon that is real and is hard to understand when young, but just do it, you will never miss $50 a week or whatever, and one day you will look up and be happy. Based on college expenses thus far, should be aok with what is in the account and what im adding if my 9th grade math is correct. Continue to keep debt limited to mortgages (2) and 2 autos, could pay both cars off but the one Apr is 1.7% and the other is a lower balance. 3 paid for. Like someone said above, we too drive them until the wheels fall off. Would be thrilled with 10% this year from the market (almost entirely in index funds) after 2 years of 25%+. Continue to horde cash from quarterly bonuses. Wife (no pics) is a realtor so we have a tax bill every year and she has a nice cash pile plus 2 paid off rentals. I like to keep a certain amount completely liquid, just my thing. I feel like keeping 10%-15% in cd's and savings allows me to sleep well at night, I can be a bit of a cynic with money. Good luck to all, though if you reading this , you are already doing the right thing by educating yourself and making sure to have a plan. nice job!
  7. Double post, edit button not working...forgot he was only a FR and Niblett's TD was vs ULM. I like this kid a lot and hope he contributes next season.
  8. yeah i could see that being the KO return duo and Niblett starting off as PR with Butler being worked in. I think Niblett could an X factor next year. Somewhat of a veteran, played multiple roles, good measurables. I seem to recall a nice short yardage run where we made a subtle nice move that gained yardage (may have been a TD, not sure if he registered one last season), iirc it was (ahem) inside the 5.
  9. my guess will be Butler.
  10. You did the right thing. I know people on the gulf coast who were not damaged one bit, but filed BP claims none the less.
  11. This is why my wife (no pics) had her best year in the business (RE Agent). Buyers and Sellers need an agent. Shes been at it 10 years and is doing well.
  12. Release of 33 imminent. Thank God. Bring them all home. https://www.cnn.com/2025/01/13/middleeast/hamas-33-hostages-israel-ceasefire-talks-intl-latam/index.html
  13. Bama commit Ty Haywood, 5* Tackle from Denton just de-committed. Didnt sign in the early period. https://www.tuscaloosanews.com/story/sports/college/football/2025/01/13/2025-5-star-ty-haywood-ends-commitment-to-alabama-football/76774928007/
  14. The deep ball was a staple for Sark at Bama. Unfortunately, QE was very poor at it. Throw in the lack of ability to extend plays (due to injury or skill set) and the O (while very effective) was never able to get to 5th gear imo, especially vs better competition. MSU game was on verge of blowout if Cook catches the one deep ball thrown well. QE missed Bond on the deep in early vs OU and any number of at least half dozen missed TD's deep kept our games closer. Im nitpicking here, but the next few QB's coming up I believe possess the physical tools QE lacked and id be surprised if offensive explosive plays dont follow.
  15. On short shardage more than once Thursday night, Penn St lined up a huge OL in the H-back position. They put him in motion pre-snap and ran him between the center and right guard. Worked really well as he had somewhat of a running head start. Believe they had Allar in shotgun and the RB followed him in to the hole. Would like to find replays of the 2 times they did to evaluate the success rate but IIRC it worked vs NDU's front. I thought to myself that Sark has to be watching this play, but too late to add it. Be curious to see if he adds that to goal line next year. Very clever.
  16. Double post , couldnt edit. The USC guy, Neto and Campbell (if he returns) would make for some good options at guard.
  17. https://hookemheadlines.com/usc-transfer-iol-emmanuel-pregnon-visits-texas Posted 13 minutes ago, nothing new , but it does say he visited 2 other school (Oregon and Tenn).
  18. One Kicker on scholarship seems risky in new format where you can play so many extra games. One tweak here and there and you would be relying on walkon
  19. Excited to see what Butler can do. RS this past season due to a crowded WR room. #12 player in the State of CA. Good size. I think he flashes next year
  20. I could be misremembering, but I thought the post re Florida was more "we dont recruit against them" so they aren't a threat. I could be wrong and when the post was made, they were a dumpster fire. So you could correct
  21. If we dont make the tournament, I would be surprised if he's back. The fact we had a tournament W last year, may factor in. He had a solid run with Beard's team in the interim year. Barnes blew us out by 16 in last year's R2. If he whiffs this year, which is looking likely, I can see where he would get canned, especially if we only win like 3 games in conference. If Beard had shown any contrition, the play would have been to suspend him for 30-60 pending some type rehab/legal process I suppose; but there were no good options with whole deal. RT is not a championship level coach imo and CDC has repeatedly said we play for Championships (Conference or National) at Texas. Not sure where he would look given our history. Barnes and Shaka moving on and having success is not a good look for MBB program.
  22. Yes it is. We did that run early in the day and loved it. It was a guys trip with about 8 of us.....varying degrees of skill level, and for sure varying degrees of cardio endurance. Anyway, one of our buddies had to join us at lunch and we all bragged on that run and talked it up. So he's all fresh and says lets do it again. Keep in mind im in good shape so no worries there, but some of the others not so much but we all agreed to do it later if we had time. I could tell some of the guys were kind of bailing toward the end of the day and about half of us headed toward the run (and hike!). We were pushing it toward 4pm and we had to hustle to get to the bottom (you know how long a run that is) so we could take that lift back up and traverse to the Snowmass Village base , ski rental return and vehicle..... needless to say, we were in go mode, but we had some 50+ newbies in tow. A couple of the novice guys were really struggling and they sent us on ahead , knowing they would just have to get a ride back, no way they would make 4 pm cutoff. So 3-4 of us boogie down and wait right until 4pm for them to come barrelling down. We were having fun with the Lift Operator flirting with her to hold the chair and sure enough here comes our 3 old timer beginner buddies just hauling ass down like bats out of hell and we all hit cutoff at 4. Good times, we laughed all night about those guys coming in hot. It was so funny watching them come down , we got on the lift when we pointed out our buddies and were above them as passed under....we were laughing our asses off
  23. No, but I was on line recently and i was very impressed with the look. I wore cap toe AE dress shoes for years, before switching to J&M (yes i still suit up every day). The AE ropers I saw favored my Luchesse (sp) calf skin and looked sharp. I would like to see them in person, but I dont have a store near me,
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