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Everything posted by jdhorn92

  1. I didn't think hookahs were violent, just pay them for their services and enjoy the happy ending.
  2. good intel, thanks to the op. We played great last year in mid-week games. I think i read something last year that he challenged the club to win every one or something to that affect. He didnt want non-weekend starters to be an excuse. Fast forward to this year, I hope we take that same mental approach. In years past, even our Omaha teams, we had mid-week head scratchers.
  3. Yeah, as others have said, I think the weather has helped them more than hurt. We have hit the ball on the screws a dozen times, only to have it knocked down by the stiff wind and cold air. There was a shot on the telecast last night of a long out by Ivan that he couldn't believe didn't find the gap (or the wall), you can see him say something to the ump as he heads back to the dugout. I feel like we have had multiple HR or gappers, simply be long-loud outs. They have hit some too, but we have been hitting the ball solidly all weekend.
  4. Are you talking about Mitchell Daly’s HS teammate , the Bama pitcher? When did he bat? He brought energy to the plate or the mound?
  5. Faltine is always talking shit. Watch him closely and you will see him egging on the other team just about every game. the book is out on him that he can be agitated rather easily, I think it fires him up.
  6. we left a lot of men on base in 1st and 2nd inning, played some good D (aside from Faltine error and a couple pitches in the dirt that plated their run). Other than that, we look a little flat, but in command
  7. Watched or listened to all 3 games. We played a flawless weekend of BB. Really saw so weakness. The RF, short kid, May be the only hole I see. Not sure he got the ball out of the infield, could be wrong. The Kansas 3b transfer looks like a stick, could be a dh candidate. Speed for days. Faltine has AA all over him, maybe golden spikes. Ivan looked better fielding than I would have thought, he’ll strike out a ton but then drop bombs too. Last year we feasted on mid-week games. Hope we have same attitude this year.
  8. you should just wait to get home to shave your legs
  9. haha, name checks out. go back to the aggy board
  10. I suppose i should know this, is the Disc program a part of the Netflix sub price or is it an add-on fee ? How do you return them once you have finished watching?
  11. I know right?! One of the more graphic depictions of rape, child murder Ive seen, at times kind of disturbing, but overall not a bad movie....took me a while to figure what country they were in.
  12. jdhorn92


    One of the killer B's from the '79 Dolphins?
  13. Stephen Howard from Bishop Lynch and later Depaul worked at the Hyatt Regency downtown Dallas...dude worked some honest hours the summer before his FR year in college. We were in the same dept, engineering, though that was really code for cutting keys, fixing leaky AC units, switching out batteries in remotes and shit...cool job. csb
  14. Know how I know you’re not in sales
  15. Doge Balbay had his moments, but we havent had a pure stud PG since DJ imo. Rowan looks the part, lets hope he is in the vein of Mcclung from Gtown, then Tech, he owned us for like 4-5 games in a row. Colonel Rowan from Hubbard's Message to Garcia is a military legend who is credited with saving Cuba by getting a note in an oilskin pouch to the leader of the insurgents. Mckinley asked for a volunteer and Rowan stepped up. Great , short read about leadership and initiative that should be in every salesman's library. CSB.
  16. BJ Tyler, Travis Mays, Terrence Rencher, TJ Ford, DJ Aug could all handle the ball like a PG and score it. Coleman was spotty, Jacovan Brown inconsistent, both are more recent, but not in the class of the previous guys. Doge Balbay had his moments, but we havent had a pure stud PG since DJ imo.
  17. I'm a big Pulp Fiction fan. IMO this movie set the standard for the out of chronological-order story line. To me, many of the QT films have a bit of noir like feel to them, similar to Nightcrawler. PF also gave new life to Travolta, who went on to do Get Shorty not long after, though PF dwarfed GS in $$. People forget the budget for PF was only $6-$8M iirc, however Miramax did pick it up.
  18. jdhorn92


    The judge said something like “you’re moving around a lot for someone who was laid up for several months “
  19. Nope, i worked in college but not at the BB. I was at Texas 88-92 and played on the ‘90 national champ team.
  20. 86" this year recorded along AL gulf coast this year.
  21. That tram in Palm Springs you reference is no joke. IIRC, its the fastest ascent for the amount of elevation it captures. My daughter and I took it several years ago while in PS for a family wedding. We left the others at the Marriott by pool getting sun while we hiked in a decent amount of snow. We went from the pool to snow and back to the pool in about 4 hours.
  22. Ive seen that more this year than ususal, it's the Derrick Johnson chop, ala RRR, reincarnate, to a full blown punch. Later In same game, Tucker makes a 46 yarder look like a PAT.
  23. Did you think : 1. Riley went to Westwood? 2. Ucla is that big of a draw for a guy like CW? 3 you has confused?
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