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Everything posted by jdhorn92

  1. Iirc, Rex HAs a foot fetish, got outed somehow, don’t really recall but couldn’t have been too bad , as he’s got a good gig.
  2. jdhorn92


    Throw in a stoning and you got yourself a regular Pakistan/India/Afghan/Pennsyltucky
  3. cont'd..... Another nice thing about that Park Station complex is the free bus stops right outside the door. We skied Canyons until 4 sharp one year and didn’t want to make my wife come pick us up, so we took the lift from Canyons Base to bus stop…less than 15 mins later we are in the unit, not bad. No reservations required this year for Park City lift tickets but there are other restrictions ,so do your homework.
  4. We have been to Park City the last 3 years as a family, wife doesn’t ski, so the location of our condo was pretty much #1 priority, as she wanted stuff to do during the day. When we started going there, our kids were 10-14 and we put them in ski school the first 2 trips. It was great for me as I got to single ski a couple days in a row, which is wonderful if you can do it…though I must say watching your kids ‘get it’ is pretty gratifying as well. One of the reasons people go to PC imo is the family friendly environment, ski school and customer service. PC is top notch in my book and I have skied Mammoth, Purgatory, Steamboat, Vail, Alta and a couple other CO resorts on Younglife trips in HS. When you book Ski School through Park City, your package will include lunch and rentals through Legacy Sports. They do a great job of fitting, adjustments if needed etc.. plan on picking your gear up the day before SS starts, usually after 2 pm. IMO, trying to cram it in the morning of will be a huge stresser. You can store Skis and Poles in a locker if you want, back up stairs (Legacy Sports is down the stairs directly across from ticket booth at base), as you exit the main entrance from Legacy sports. Skis are awkward for kids, but it does teach them about hardwork. I would suggest lockers and leave the lessons for later. Park City base has plenty of options for food, but I think it shuts down in the early evening, so plan accordingly if you stay right at the base. The parking is pretty good if you plan on driving, they have a good system for drop offs and two decent size parking lots if you plan on driving to ski each day. Park City does have an extensive free bus system, but we didn’t take it much. As far as places to stay, we stayed directly across the street from the PC base our first year in a less expensive condo. I forget the name, but it was older, had cheap windows and we would not recommend that place. For our first time, it was fine as the wife and kids had no previous experience. We just needed to be able to walk to the base each day. At night we had great views of the mountain until it got too dark, and it was cool knowing the mountain was right there. Here is the downside of staying at the base…it is noisy. PC base is pretty active after 4pm with deliveries, garbage and buses etc..running non-stop….so keep that in mind. From the base, it is walkable to town but with kids, not ideal, who really wants to do that…its probably less a mile to town from the base, but then its another ½-1 mile up and down main street and all the cool side streets, plus you are walking “up” main st at a slight grade, so plan on good winter walking boots, no tennis shoes. The last 2 years we have stayed at Park Station Conds. We have thoroughly enjoyed this complex. This would be my recommendation. It is priced reasonably well for PC. It is literally at the base of Main st, could not be more convenient to EVERYTHING. One day we walked back from the PC base after dropping our skis in the locker (me and kids couldn’t get hold of my wife, we had called it a day a little earlier than we thought). We walked in Ski boots, not ideal , but not the crazy far either. Park Station has 2 and 3 bedroom units, a little dated but the location is great. Nice large outdoor hottub and plenty of parking. We walked in to town each night for dinner, drinks , shopping. The wife loved it, she would drop us off at the base by 9 and head back to the condo, less than 5-8 min drive, then do her thing, read a book, coffee, shop, lunch, nap, dinner prep and then pick us up at 4:15-4;30 back at the drop off. This year we are skiing Feb 26-Mar 3 (Our mardi gras break). We are staying literally at the Town Lift. We are paying a lot more, but we wanted to see what this unit/complex was like and we wont be doing ski school. There is literally a ski shop on the ground floor (underground parking for renters) where we have our gear reserved, and then step out of the shop and your on the Town Lift, literally. There is also a diner (Bridge Café) right there as well. This will be the best location we have stayed at thus far, so im curious to see how we like it. Down a short stone staircase from the Town Lift is main st and allthe shopping, eating etc.. Park Station to the town lift is about 200 yards, if youre following me, so Park Station condos and the town lift are close to one another as well, we just wanted to step up in quality of the unit, ski in ski out….we’ll see if the extra $$ is worth the extra convenience. We have 2-3 other families skiing with us this year, though everyone is staying different places (Montage in DV for 2 groups and Town lift condos for the other party, down the street from us)…we will likely not mess with the PC base this year as we can take Town Lift up and then traverse to the canyons and back, again no ski school and Pay Day lift gets crowded.
  5. I will have some Intel for you this evening ,have 3 kids and have done PC 3years in a row; going wheels up now
  6. jdhorn92


    Only thing I can think of is, Jamie wanted to be a Cowboy like his 'dad', John. He was doing everything he thought John wanted, only to have John decide his fate. John told him the family needed a lawyer, so he applied to Harvard unbeknownst to Jaime and basically forced him off the ranch to Boston. He never got close to John like he needed/wanted. There is resentment deep down that he didnt get the life experiences the other 2 brothers did. And John has not come to his defense when the sister blames him for the mom's death.
  7. Sixteen Candles, while getting Christmas stuff out of the attic for the wifey...had to stop and watch a good part of it..so good, I wonder whatever happened to the stud Jake, seemed like a poor man's Matt Dillon. Anthony Michael Hall was great. Cant beat a John Hughes movie to take me back to the 80's. Pretty in Pink, About Last Night, B-Club et al
  8. Yeah , a couple good scenes were the glow in the dark condom shots and then when we wakes up and opens the door to the "jazzercise" session with the blanket wrapped around him.
  9. jdhorn92


    Lloyd and Rip were in a bar in a different part of the MT. They heard Walker singing and turned around to see him holding court in an Adairs looking joint. So they tied him up and brought him back to the Y. They confronted Kasey about it (John may have gotten involved too) and the decision was made to keep him. Walker said something about he couldn't leave MT b/c of his parole officer or some such.
  10. Yeah, Im reading those tweets as he didnt want any part of the SEC, tried to get the admin to reconsider. Throw in the scheduling issues OU has made public the last couple years and throw in the officiating bias this season....i think he said adios mofos
  11. Should have posted this earlier. the boys lost to BYU in the final 3-1. We had wins over JMU, TAMU, the Cuse, UCF and UNC before falling to the Cougars in the stadium Sat evening. The fields/complex in Foley AL was in great shape, there were easy 2-3 dozen schools represented for men and womens collegiate club soccer. There was an open division and a championship division. I played/won the title in '90, but this current governing body only recognizes titles since they took over. To my knowledge, Texas has won one other title in '95 for mens collegiate club soccer.
  12. It's been since the 90's that I sat down to watch the whole movie. I saw redux last night....the scene at the bridge seemed drawn out from what I remember. Perhaps they added some scenes their, like when they crawl through the trench and step on that guy before passing the 4 black guys squatting.
  13. No way. This staff ain’t fucking around collecting a check. we’ll turnover 37 guys like TN did. Ewers come on down. Brock may see playing time and come too, maybe. Hasn’t played this year and bama’s OL is their weakest in saban era.
  14. Search NIRSA Mens championship on you tube can’t get the link to work
  15. Been out at the fields all weekend watching N our mens club soccer team. they play BYU for the title at 3. Would be our 2nd title (‘90, my team). I’ll try and post live stream. This weekend we have beaten JMU, Syracuse, A&M , UCF and UNC.
  16. jdhorn92


    They will see him when they go through Austin on the way to the 4-Sixes
  17. I completely agree. Everyone knows who the brains are in HS. Let's say we are recruiting c- kid who is a 5 star and the only person in his school who is going to Texas is the Sum Laude kid, you think that stud LB wants to play school at Texas where its hard as shit academically, or go to Ole Miss where the kids that are in his classes and fucked off are going. No effing way these below average acedemic kids are going to pick UT when the only kids going to ATX are the stuck up BMW driving A+ kids. That stud LB is going to a school that academically he knows he can get by until the draft. Im not saying its right, im just saying I agree we have entered a new era where we will look a lot more like Stanford, UCLA and NW than tOSU, Clemson or Bama. I think to a degree FL may be entering that phase too. FL is getting hard as shit to get into
  18. I'm no Brock apologist, but your take on that play is wrong imo. Watch the replay, he was chop blocked, he was picked up in the whole an OL, just as the right guard went low on him, two guys engaing him simulatneously, I believe he was complaining to the ref about a chop block. I rewound the play and it looked like an illegal chop block to me.
  19. Yeah I agree, Im afraid Kirk was right with his toxic comment a few years ago, its just too easy for a kid to say im not dealing with a program that is underachieving , not many want to be part of a rebuild, they want instant gratification and with all the bad press, karma and bs associated with no NFL talent, no guys getting drafted etc..we're fucked
  20. None of those schools have run the table or are top 10 consistently and they all are loaded with Texas kids, you made my point. Texas HS kids are effing soft as a pillow. Prove me wrong? No Texas college team has sniffed the top 10 consistently since the Southlake Carrolls of the world with their 7 on 7 type culture became en vogue. We have no linemen depth in this state when the top 20 or so kids all go their separate ways and get paired with maulers from the midwest, north and southeast. I go back to demographics; lay the obesity map over the country, then lay the NFL lineman drafted next to it, they all come from the SE US and Texas is just not producing en masse the type of kids that will make UT good again. Until we get a salesman ala Jimbo (and i cant stand his personality) to run our program (Mack was a salesman), we are a 500 club in SEC , at best. Case in point, Jimbo just went and got the #1 DL in the nation. What state is he from? TN. Sark has to go outside the state if we are going to win big again. Too many softies in TX on the lines, we used to call them 'leaners', guys that are just big and that it, not enough athletes being producer here for the size state we have.
  21. I think in general the State of Texas is soft. Great economy, plenty of $$, jobs..the pool of workers is limitless. You drive around north Texas and the state bird should be the crane, there is so much development. Kids in general in Texas grow up soft. Everywhere you turn, there is a new shop, building, school...shit is all new and shiny pretty much in every city in Texas. Now juxtapose that with surrounding states and the Southeast (our new partners) in general, where I live now, after having lived in TX 15 years. The south is not shiny, new or flourishing economically. Sure there are pockets, but mostly its lower middle class, lower socioeconomic areas that are feeding kids to schools that have programs with less resources than us, but better culture and better overall programs. The culture at Texas is gentrified, we wanted it that way, remember "we are the Joneses" and the "we are Texas" b/s? NOONE says that in other parts of the country about themselves. The culture at UT is that we are better than everyone and by proxy, we don't have to grind, like other places.
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