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Everything posted by jdhorn92

  1. Rice loss on a Sunday night was worse
  2. Tennessee May be a better comparison. They lost 37 guys when Heupel was hired. They’re doing fine.
  3. Looks like judge is considering lesser charges, might manslaughter be an option for jury?
  4. TexasGrunt, i had a co-worker tell me on the day ya'll went over the burm, the word going up and down the line was "1 out of 2". Meaning, first wave could lose 50%...of course we know now they left a trail of destruction as they cut tail from you guys and the air campaign softened em up, but did you hear that or was their talk of a big defense prior to that first wave?
  5. Wife bought the box set for me several years ago. With streaming so prevelant, we have 86'd the DVD player to a drawer. Need to dust off the ol blue ray and watch this series, so good.
  6. Put me in the corner as being against Jan 6th, for KR on self defense claim and not murder, but guilty of manslaughter, and being a dumbass kid who should do some time.
  7. The Crown- enjoying it so far im in the season where they have changed out actors playing the Queen et al..i kind of liked the original crew especially the sister Outlander- good enough, but not must watch by any stretch, they just got to 'merica, so ill watch , especially since its basically 80's era Skinemax The Maid- not bad, kind of makes you want to be a better parent..main character has a trainwreck of a life, kind of depressing but we'll stay with it Komenski Method- fantastic, must watch, but I am 50 so the humor skews older generation, the youngs may not appreciate (or get) some of it. The 12th Man (no aggie reference)- foriegn WW2 movie , really good, true story
  8. Yeah I agree with you on Alex’s character, completely unlikable and I find myself leaning toward this is who JA is, maybe not to this degree of bitch, but close. what’s with the constant back pain? Are they setting us up for an elongated hospital stay , alone in a hospital amid the Rona chaos? Where she finds herself some humility?
  9. jdhorn92


    His girl said something earlier in the Episode about never seeing him happier than when we was riding. She said something to the affect, I want that jimmy. This conversation happened at a rodeo or fair type setting toward end of last season finale. He went back to the Yellowstone and entered the pen on a horse, presumably to practice (“to get back in the saddle”), Directly going against what John told him not to do. So John had to 86 him from the Yellowstone.
  10. Used to be known as a teachers college many many years ago iirc. Had two cousins graduate from there
  11. From the googler machine: And yet, the latest census bureau report says that California is both the wealthiest stateand has the highest poverty rate in the country at 24 percent — meaning almost a quarter of Californians live in poverty. I’m not trying to shit on CA , I was born and raised in southern CA before moving to Dallas in HS. This summer we drove from Santa Monica to Monterey Peninsula And back (went through Big Sur). Spent a night in Santa Barbara and walked UCSB for an hour or so. Csb
  12. It was adecent play design. I would have punted though. look at the reply, ro is open and the defenders are sealed, dicker bailed on it , it had to develop , ro saw it.
  13. 2 observations: Washington and Moore are 2nd teamers WR on most of teams we’ve faced. They both cost us dearly today. On the last drive, Casey had Bijan as the dump off man 2 consecutive plays with lots of space. That and missing worthy wide open in 4th. Huge plays. That’s not on Sark. Sark did enough for us to win
  14. Sounds like Baylor would have been a better fit than us
  15. Well to be fair, gang rape isnt happening or being blindly swept under the rug and largely forgotten in any of our future conference mates communities. I might add that players aren't being murdered by other teammates in places like Nashville, T-town or the plains.
  16. This is how I envision Trump reacting to this tragic accident: "unfortunately I'm saddened, but not that much, that my friend Alex , though I hate him, accidentally discharged a weapon...Alex is known to discharge other things as noted by his hot Spanish yoga master wife HEEEEEELLLLAREEEEEOOOO , what a piece of ass she is, anyway, Alex should have known better and he got what he deserved for all those SNL skits, you know Im the most revered foil on SNL, but really I hate that show too, and Alex was a great actor, not as good as his brother who I love from my show, but Alex had a hot wife before HEEEEEELLLLLLARRRRREEEEOOO, how did he mess that deal up, oh yeah the voicemail blah blah blah, I feel bad for the families, but not really b/c New Mexicans didnt vote for me".
  17. Probably for at least the basics…The nature of his relationship with each victim im sure was questioned. The gun confiscated, perhaps a drug test administered per insurance protocols the movie likely had in place…I mean there were probably dozens of witnesses so if anything nefarious occurred, it would be known IMO. keep in mind we are dealing with a grade A asshole as it is, so he can and has talked his way out of many situations, granted nothing As horrible as this.
  18. So we thinking the gators got him? Shot himself and donated his body to the general welfare of the preserve wildlife?
  19. National Parks and Country Music were the most recent ones I have seen, enjoyed both very much.
  20. Wait, how old do you think it is?
  21. man that is some perspective, 22% is a mighty drop
  22. Reminds me of a great George Steinbrenner quote, "....you know that El Duque is one tough SOB, he floated over from Cuba, 90 miles on a '57 Chevy.....I've done it in a 57' yacht and it was hell".
  23. I know right. On my buddies trip, the jet skier was wearing full on ski (snow) helmet and goggles and had a larger boat on the trip for breaks, gas, food and water. 90 miles to Cuba on one would be another thing altogether, but it is doable.
  24. People go from so Fl to Bimini on jet skis all the time. Now granted they usually have a flotilla of CC (at least my buddies did) for fuel, but 90 miles is more than doable on a 21’ cc or bigger ski.
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