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Everything posted by jdhorn92

  1. Arch is on my return flight too, AUS to MSY. Wish I had something good to talk to him about.
  2. That is exactly right. When the president of the University writes an open letter of apology, you know the hospitality reached an all time low, even by Ohio standards
  3. I have a work associate who is an Aggie and he told me a Texas fan threw a bag of shit on him in the Aggie band once. So it seems in his mind we do it too , though in my 30+ years attending games I have never seen a Texas fan, student do anything of the sort, in fact I believe we have one of most docile (though we can get loud) fan bases.
  4. One of the brothers has Texas shorts on. The others are pretty generic, aftco and t-shirt.
  5. Arch is on my flight from MSY to AUS. Going wheels up 3:05. He’s got the whole fam with him. Can’t tell if he has little brothers or if they are buddies but there are 3 boys with the mom (hot) and dad (Eli clone).
  6. jdhorn92


    I’m in season 3, she just returned to find Jaime. Kind of losing me now. But just when it gets a little mundane, Claire loses all her clothes and keeps me in
  7. As a parent to 3 teens (girls, no pics) , I realize I have a lot of life experiences that may not see the light of day. I could pass on a lot of intel , but In some ways the less they know about my time on the 40, the better, lol. What I learned at UT, fending for myself, gaming the system, surviving etc.. was a real work of art. For example, word would get passed around about which classes to take based on what prof was teaching that particular semester. I wont go in to too much detail as to why that was important, ill let you figure it out....or having a legit "Clergy" tent card thingy for your dashboard to park anywhere on campus at any time, pass-free......or roaming the halls of Jester gathering Student ID's in the chinese area of the dorm and taking them to Belmont to get your free game tickets for all your buddies (since you knew the exchange students weren't using them), then charging a couple bucks a throw for the time...i could go on and on about the 'education' of my years on campus, a lot of learned right there in old Dobie.
  8. My hot spot was Prontos Market west campus, Rio Grande iirc. Bounced a few there in my day. Thank god for emergency student loans. You could get $200 on the spot, there was campus office for it over by the communications building, had plenty of good weekends on the tit. Just had to hustle to get it paid back so you could get your grades at end of semester.
  9. Nate definitely said "Wonder Kid" in the interview, and was corrected later. I don't think the new equipment kid was the one tweeting about that. The Dutch guy in the locker room presented the jersey to him that way, and the exchange made it seem like the team was laughing about it, but Nate tried to make it seem like he always said "Wunderkind". It's just more of his insecurity shining through. He clearly doesn't like to be wrong, and is embarrassed by it. He was mad at the equipment kid for making the jersey say "Wonder Kid" instead of fixing the obvious error. Makes sense thank you
  10. I know there is a Netflix thread but I watched The Outlaw Josey Wales the other night, still so good.
  11. I may be remembering incorrectly, but there ended up being another negative tweet; there was this dustup about 'wunderkind' vs 'wunderkid' and I seem to recall Nate's replacement used the incorrect versdion.... that tipped Nate off, he realized that it was the replacement that planted the super negative tweet. iirc Nate used the wrong pronunciation I believe and the replacement mocked him in the tweet, no?
  12. Dobie alum. Got there my provisional summer late May '88 before my HS class had even graduated. Was overwhelmed by the freedom, had a side suite with another guy from my HS and on the other side was a single dude who was super homesick so he was never there. In the fall of '88 my 3 good buddies joined me (thank goodness I got admitted after doing well in both summer sessions), in a corner suite. That summer of '88 was a blast, Dobie was so close to everything and for the younger members here, Austin was much different (better? who's to say) in the late 80's,, smaller for sure, really felt like a college town especially in the summer. Dobie was a blast, really enjoyed it. Heading to a Austin this weekend, reunion with 20 or so guys and wives this weekend for OSU game.
  13. Got a picture of Reese and MM near his RV right before the Bama Rose Bowl, I figured they were an item after that night just from seeing the chemistry. csb
  14. Nate is going to get the nurse Army man
  15. Fox gave this one the 6 day window treatment so likely to be announced tonight or in the morning. I could be wrong about fox getting first pick , they may only get so many per year but I don’t think so. They may wait to see if TCU wins
  16. Wait, who is making 5-7 mil as a postion coach...or coordinator? Re-read the post
  17. Fox has first choice, I guess they want OU for big noon kickoff as there is a baseball playoff that night. I’m guessing we get ESPN 6:30. Incidentally, this is one of the reasons OU wants out of b12. And now that they are leaving, the league will not bend for Them. I think we get night game treatment. I’m going to game so hoping for night game.
  18. I dont know man, living in the Park Cities, nice 7 figure salary. No pressure, the team is winning and the HC seems like he is staying put for awhile. With the portal game in full force, winning 9-10 games seems legit easy for SMU right now. Compare a cushion 5-7 year job at a million per vs the pressure cooker of Austin for 20% ? more, with as much uncertainty we have had the last 10 years. May be harder than we think to pull him away. Its going to take 10 win seasons, beating teams we should etc. to build confidence imo
  19. Yeah I could see it, Bradley is pretty shrewd.
  20. He was here a couple weeks ago with his parents, either for tech or rice. re-reads quoted post: oh you mean get him enrolled my bad, yeah exactly.
  21. Went to school with his dad. He has 2 brothers currently in the NFL. Dad bb played ball at Utah. Great guy. Hope we get him.
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