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Everything posted by jdhorn92

  1. Thought it was a little much for Bradley to fall for Laura’s ass kissing in IA , she’s too smart to fall for that shit. But , the make out session made it all worth it and somewhat believable now we know she’s a member of the ghey.
  2. I’m not a EPL fan/follower, though I did play soccer for Texas (club sport, ‘90 National champ, csb)..is there any correlation to Leiscter City and Richmond? Would Ted Lasso go that route and have them realize promotion and then make a run in s3? Are there any similarities between the fictional Richmond and LC?
  3. Haha yeah he is. Matt Rhule on line 1.
  4. We’ve been stuck on page 15 for awhile. Need him to get caught soon. Send in the bloodhounds
  5. Replay did a great job of showing the Asst coach did indeed get the TO before the flinch (TCU)and offsides (TX).
  6. one of those wr you described is balling out in Dallas for the Pokes and Hollywood is pretty damn good too. Still need to get them on the ground asap after the catch though. Hazelnuts is the one we need to account for, him and lil Stoops
  7. Nope. This is not a learn on the job deal. You take the points. We’re just going to have to agree to disagree. Momentum is Real. Points there , even 3 , likely keeps you from losing. By going for it and not getting it you brought in the L. The risk reward was not worth it. Especially since we had not scored (TD’s) many times prior to that sequence and FG’s had served us well to that point. No sense taking points off the board.
  8. Thanks I misremembered that play flow, lost the end of my recording. Appreciate it
  9. Respectfully disagree. Being up 15, TCU would have needed 2 TDs and 1 2pt just to tie. They quickly go 99 yards and now we are only up 5, much more pressure/stress on the Offense to deliver (thankfully they did). By taking easy 3, going up 15, you likely aren't losing in regulation, but rather if TCU scores again, OT is the likely outcome , worse case scenario. The way Sark played it, worst case scenario is you punt back to them and we lose in regulation by 2. Herman did this his entire tenure here and the worse case scenario played out every time. His disdain for 3 points was shocking. Maybe I still have PTSD from it, but i like the 15 point lead.
  10. haha no it wasnt dipship, the ball was on the 3 and he got a yard. Jwhitt would have been a better option when you need power not a juke.
  11. Only beef was late In game sweep handoff to X man. He’s too light to power over a defender. We needed Jwhitt in on that play. He likely bulls his way in. Could be wrong but I think the next play was the false start.
  12. Dog sounds like he's making stuff up in the TMZ video. Says the FBI doesnt work weekends, can't recall the word for Kayak, says he didn't see the video of family coming in/out of park, but knows people who have..total bs
  13. From the injury thread: Monday before toads game During Texas head coach Steve Sarkisian’s Monday press conference, he said that the injury situation is “status quo.” Since redshirt freshman wide receiver Troy Omeire (knee) is not listed on the depth chart and neither is sophomore cornerback Jahdae Barron (knee), both are presumably out for this weekend’s game against TCU. Freshman cornerback Ishmael Ibraheem is no longer on the depth chart after suffering a season-ending knee injury against Rice.
  14. The record AND a game winner. The Tucker two step
  15. That's pretty much the whole league. He goes to a very small private school..think smaller than ESD or Greenhill if that helps
  16. He’s saying , in that scenario, we lose to OU too.
  17. Yeah Jayden blue will be a great fit next year too. We have a great group of backs
  18. Well you got what you wanted, saved a few bucks but a killer is walking free, nice work Herm, you remind me of another Herm we had around here.
  19. The cops have no choice, they have to investigate the nature reserve. Imagine the optics if they take the John Walsh approach and call bs on the reserve story and don't go there, only to find out later he's been there the whole time. Law enforcement has to follow and exhaust that lead or it would be devastating to find out later he was there. I know it gives that shit head a head start, but you have at least take the parents on their word, as terrible as that sounds. My problem with the matter is why he wasn't at least tracked from day 1, like put a cop outside the house non-stop until Wyoming officials have at least had time to do their job, which they did with help from the Vlogger.
  20. I think the whole season 2 will be the “3 mos before”. From the s1 finale to New Years to right before Covid. They will show how Fred got fired, Corey re-hired, Alex left. I think s2 ep1 is beginning with the end (of s2) in mind. Of course I could be completely off I doubt they go all ragey Covid though there were certainly a half dozen references to close contact, drink sharing, etc…
  21. I could be wrong but I always thought 11AM ABC is National and 2:30 ABC was periodically Regional, but that may be an outdated way of doing it.
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