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Everything posted by jdhorn92

  1. St George in for a long day/night, though Panama City will get the worst of it.
  2. Yeah all that and he's a Grapevine Mustang, Dallas area kid and big Horn fan. Well I made the last part up, but I he probably is
  3. Yeah, I was in Port Charlotte last week on business and got soaked pretty good. The locals at the hotel in Punta Gorda were telling me you have been drenched a lot lately.
  4. IMO...Good news is its running at 16mph, that is really cooking. I look at the forward moving speed a lot with these systems. By Monday afternoon, the storm will all be but gone from the island at that speed and by Tuesday (based on the current path) you should have beach weather. Once it hits land, the back side will be breaking up and you should be fine, and of course at 16mph, it will move through rather quickly. Any movement east and you are golden. I live along gulf coast, so i watch them pretty close. We will know a lot more on this one after it passes Cuba/Dominica area
  5. Bump for the latest Invest...Fred is on deck...We'll know a hell of a lot more Friday on this one
  6. Case was no face jock but he put the herp derp on the sheep lovers. They all don’t have to be Marty cherry just win baby.
  7. well he did say 12 rows back, from the idiot, so he likely was buried in economy. Now if he would have said 'from up front there was a commotion 25 rows behind us...' we may have ourselves a humblebrag...hehehehe
  8. Eagles wrote a song about that.
  9. Yeah, right there with you. Texas '92, We live in Fairhope, AL. Soon to be Senior daughter is looking at Bama, Auburn,Texas of course (but wont get in unfortunately, though ive tried to warn her), Ole Miss and TCU. I told her Texas is too damn competitive for oos. Auburn is her first choice.
  10. Have never seen this. Where the hell have I been? This is amazing. I am now fully on board with joining the SEC. Believe that was OU Bama Sugar Bowl that OU won iirc.
  11. Guy on the xm 84 said just now OU pairs in the East with Mizzou and Texas to the West. We keep Ou as our permanent. imagine a schedule of : Ou , Lsu, Am, aub and Bama. Add in East foe UGA or Uf.
  12. I could see Big going all in on Notre Dame , granting them same deal as ACC. Throw in KU and it would make some sense.
  13. Except don’t discount that the SEC may throw A&M a bone and keep us separated if only to appease the inbreds. It’s clear A&M does not want us in the league , so that may be a concession and if that happens I’ll laugh out loud at Aggie thinking they pulled a fast one. Whether we play them or not is irrelevant to me in and that will eventually get out that they blocked the annual game. That will make them look even worse which is fine by me.
  14. I think he was being a smarty pants
  15. This, especially when the gov't knows money will be coming back to the island, thus taking (however minimal) a family somewhat off the tit. Not trying to go all CR
  16. We have Gitmo down there..we should send Anderson Cooper down for a little scoop.
  17. What a shitty town you have. It was glorious to be present for a buckeye beat down in the shoe.
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