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Everything posted by jdhorn92

  1. We have Gitmo down there..we should send Anderson Cooper down for a little scoop.
  2. What a shitty town you have. It was glorious to be present for a buckeye beat down in the shoe.
  3. Best Cuban story I ever heard was from George Steinbrenner. He said...."that El Duque is one tough sob....he came across the gulf in a 57 Chevy tied to a dozen tires....i came across in a 57' Yacht and it was hell".
  4. Dude please lose the "We are Texas shit"....that's the type of self promoting, entitled bs, soft, dont need to earn it bullshit we need to distance from. You ever hear Bama say "We're Bama"? Of course you don't, b/c they walk around with rings and titles and let the play on the field dictate their reputation. The "We are the Jones" and "We're Texas" is fucking old ass harry highschool bull shit. Please stop. You know when someone realizes We're Texas ? When their kid gets a 34 on act, takes honors classes and gets the td letter from Austin. That's when they find out. We don't need to walk around telling everyone .
  5. Never gets old. This is kin to the Chris Simms horizontal -1 yard pass to Roy Williams
  6. Im thinking he will be used ala Ramonce Taylor. Taylor lined up in 3-4 different positions is last year hear. He played Wideout (remember the one handed TD vs Baylor or the trick play @ Mizzou where we lateraled to him). He played traditional RB , straight I formation, he played in the slot and he played in a 2 back formation where Davis motioned him out to the flat, not to mention some ST.
  7. Exactly this. I read a few years ago in the LA times, If the area from Los Angeles to San Diego were a country , the economy would be one of the largest in the world or something along those lines.
  8. This isn’t my first rodeo. Been following this stuff since AAS 360’days. Let me spell it out….this is 100% about posturing, marketing and timing 5 star pushes up commit date and tells us he’s not coming. We immediately go to plans 1A and B. We tell our guys to go ahead and pull the trigger so we have momentum in front of a let down. We’re positioned to not look as bad when we lose a head to head as we have two other guys at that position or group in the fold. This is as clear as San Antonio what transpired. This is not unique to Texas, this stuff goes on at every school.
  9. Thank you , but: 1) why would the judge in the criminal case allow the testimony in the first place 2) why didn’t this come up prior to the criminal case? Why would this not have prohibited the criminal trial in the first place
  10. Bubba2, you missed one - *our run game...
  11. Its good to be back, we had one hell of a ride on the board. Looking forward to catching up. Transfer WR Smith announce USC yet?
  12. No way the handler is the father; plus they showed Serena and Fred banging in the rental/temp house after they lost theirs.
  13. yeah i think antico has his figured out, he had a great cut for a foul ball strike one first time up
  14. csb I went to Jr high in CA with the actor who does the other Lexus commercial as Acho, Maurice Irvin (Mo).
  15. looks good from 30K' flying from Spokane to Atlanta
  16. Just getting back from a trip with my Dad and brother to Sandpoint Idaho on the Clark Fork River. Very dry, but not the locals arent too worried about fire , for the time being. Had a bear come in to camp this morning, likley hangs out in the meadow we fished/camped. Dad spotted him first on the bathroom break, then the others saw him 10 min later.
  17. A gator trying to make a Georgian look bad; seems about right
  18. Right there with you (well not the BMT part), flying back cross country from SLC to Atl, so I will be able to watch from 30K. Going fishing with my Dad along ID/MT border, about 60 miles south of Canada
  19. What did the coach do or not do in the dugout to get canned?
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