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Everything posted by jdhorn92

  1. After a called strike on the horns , our guys wipe their Jersey across the Texas letters. They do it as they are looking to the dugout, Any idea the significance?
  2. Going to be a squeeze here. Calling my shot
  3. uSF proving to a very tough out.
  4. Brutcher is as fine a hitter as we’ve seen all year , great eye. solid K
  5. Horrible at bats in b8 by a couple veterans
  6. Why are we rushing to bookstores in the morning? did I just hear the announcer say that?
  7. I think it was more Nick was broke (we were going to make him whole), really didn't want to stay in AL long-term (cant blame him, its not for everyone unless youre on the coast) and he had won early at Bama, so another challenge was intriguing.
  8. Shaggy, no? Otherwise, are we on the move again?
  9. bunch of us road tripped from West Campus for the game up there in early 90's, great time even though we stank up the joint. Had a cool college bar way out in the sticks (I know I know). Half of our group made for Bourbon St after and the other half hit the keggers around the greek area. Overall pretty good dudes and were shocked 15-20 of us stuck around, I'd give it a thumbs up all things considered. That was the game Jackie castrated the bull at mid field leading up to the game
  10. South has a R1 pick in LF, doubt Fairfield has a player of that quality. Dude can rake, if we get them, that will be no easy out. Their HC has a natty under his belt as Pitching coach at South Carolina. We'll have our hands full if they advance.
  11. you called it, not third, but 1st to 2nd. I think I heard on the telecast their starting C was hurt, so maybe he's got a quip about throwing a bean back to the mound. At this level I would hope they would just slide over a middle infielder to back up an errant throw. Added a ton of time to the ab clock waiting on that rainbow 200 times a game
  12. I heard that during the call of the game and lol'd that aggie and many other SEC SEC team are sitting home
  13. Fairfield catcher throws the biggest looping toss back to the pitcher I have ever seen
  14. yeah man! I was one of those left to watch it. I have always loved watching a game live there. So close to the action and great sight lines. Good times. All you had to do was show your student id with the athletics sticker ($50 I seem to recall). Of course that was also the add/drops era at FEC. Walked around that place for hours trying to get classes moved around holding a small phone book of class times,days and profs names..cheat sheet in tow of who to take and avoid...by my sr year they added the phone line Tex or something to that affect.
  15. I was just going to post the same. I remember RF at the Disch was the great tailgate area years ago. We had couple epic late inning rallies vs Miami that were awesome to watch in person. Of course I also remembering road tripping to College Station and standing on the railroad tracks to watch the horns and flattening a penny when train came through.
  16. We played them a home and home when I was in school 88-92 ish
  17. These announcers are solid. should be safe at first
  18. Terrible base running by cam. When the 2nd baseman goes to the ground he has to break for home
  19. Holy shit UF was preseason #1. Da furk?!&!
  20. The starter for Florida didn’t make it out of the first inning, he got pulled. The 2nd pitcher was the #2 starter for most of last. year , relegated this year to long relief, but he only went 2-3. It was the 3rd pitcher that was in there during the t/o deal. That’s the guy he left in waaaaaay too long.
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