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Everything posted by jdhorn92

  1. guy at the plate is huge for OSU..1-2 now
  2. likely to be reversed this game is going to be tied
  3. could be tied, going to review a dinger
  4. "Thats the way baseball go" - Ron Washington
  5. During tonight’s radio broadcast, Craig reviewed a regional projection. Texas is currently not a top 8 seed nationally. Hard to believe. tcu is coming in at #2 overall seed currently. Lot of bball still to play , but crazy how we are not a top 8 at present
  6. P1 sore arm and a little lethargic that evening. P2 set for 27th. Will let you know. Not planning anything big for the next day or so after just in case.
  7. Surly member does a good thing. I was in the ATL airport a couple weeks ago, having just arrived and had a decent layover. I had several calls to make so I found an unoccupied gate to settle in a for a few minutes. After sitting there for period of time, a young Hispanic fella approached me holding a young child. He presented a 5x8 card and my initial thought was he was deaf and needed something. He pointed to my phone and made a gesture as if asking if he could use my phone. I was taken aback at first and I could tell he wasn't deaf, but was trying to communiciate with me in Spanish. Having a very good Spanish background from my HS years in Dallas and having taken many Sp classes at UT, I was able to determine he wanted to call his mother in DC (the gate was for a later Dulles flight). I communicated with him in Sp and asked for the number and told him I would call (I don't why I was so hesitant, it's not like he was going to run off). At this time he told me he was an immigrant and lifted his pant leg to show me his ankle monitor. We did not connect with his mother, but I asked where the mother of the child was and he pointed to very young girls in the corner. I waved her over and she too had a card and a number. After a successful connection they both broke down in tears. I asked if they had a ride upon arrival in DC, both nodded their heads and were about to walk off. I asked them the last time they had eaten. Couldn't really tell based on their answer, my Spanish is not great. I walked them to the food court in B terminal and got them some food. He told me they were from Honduras and had walked for 26 days to the Texas border. I asked him about the trip and he said very hard, scary. Again, my Spanish is functional at best, but I could tell the kid was genuine. Later that night, I texted the number to make sure the kids made it safe, to which she texted back yes and how appreciative she was of the efforts. Here is the picture she sent me of her daughter. The boy and child are not pictured.
  8. don't forget random single vehicle accidents in west campus...that triggers some epic wins too.
  9. I guess according to some of the other comments, he didn’t know they weren’t going to allow him to enroll early.
  10. Reading btw the lines, sounds like UM is holding the line on admittance. Perhaps moving/adhering to NDU or Stanford level. Harbaugh agrees to stay with that edict, but works a longtime extension as a trade. As in, if you want me to win big while having to deal with admission issues then fupm.
  11. I wouldnt go that far on Brew. Was a big LB contributor on the Nat'l team. He blocked a couple punts, had a td..he wasnt DJ but saying he was trash is little much.
  12. TAMU, where the women are champions and the men are cheerleaders. Never gets old
  13. I credit the QB for that as much as anyone. One thing for sure during Mensa years is we had good leadership. Sam was/is a great leader and I think they played hard for him, he led by example.
  14. Yes thank you. I picked up on that, very interesting. I could see why Paris had such allure for him.
  15. Watched the first episode last night have the 2nd ready to record tonight. Enjoyed it much more than watching the 1st half of Baylor game. Couple takeaways, did I miss why he was stationed with the Itals in the Red Cross corp and not with our boys? I know he had medical issues preventing him from active duty. He seemed to have some game, but man Hadley and the 2nd wife were a little hard on the eyes, even nurse Betty was no looker. I suppose it could have been the era, but man those dames were a little rough. I was amazed at how brazen his writing was for his era. He wrote of date rape, abortion and many issues well before his time. His use of women was incredible and so ahead of times.
  16. One shot (Pfizer or however you spell it) last Tuesday down, go back to Walgreens on 27th for round 2. Arm was sore was a little lethargic that evening and the next day, but overall no issues. Ran 5miles the day after, but opted not to go to the gym b/c the arm was sore. I sleep on my right side, so not looking forward to the next shot as this will suck if the soreness is anything like the first.
  17. I suppose you could look at it that way, but in my line of work, if you arent covering your draw consistently, you are getting blown out. Whereas a salary is salary and there are other factors you will be judged on.
  18. ....hundreds, thousands, consequently millions
  19. Going to focus on her getting to Hannah I suppose. I assume Nick is going to hack the Gilead server to get Hannah's orders and the season will be Walking Dead esque as she traverses the New England countryside. June will take on a Mel Gibson type persona from the old Scottish movie.
  20. Plus she may be pregnant by Joseph for all we know
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