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Everything posted by jdhorn92

  1. Looks like June is going full comando/resistance fighter. I would be surprised if her character reverts back to anything domesticated/Martha/Handmaid type role.
  2. Just got back from Park City. Best skiing in my life, 3' of snow while we were there Feb 15-21. Alta go 100" but we stayed in PC. Felt very safe, of course on the slopes you are always masked up anyway. All dining on the mountain was reservation only. EPIC has a great App for morning of time slots for all the mid-mountain spots and never was an issue. After early bad returns, seems like the EPIC-Vail reservation system worked itself out. We had to cancel at New Years and re-book (out of covid fears and lack of snow) and our 3 days of lift tickets transferred easily. Crowds were not bad, we had been told Presidents day week is like the Winter Break in UT, but we did not experience any major crowd issues. Stayed at our standby VRBO spot, Park Station, nice place , easy in-out, walk to town lift. Wife can shop and walk to Main St/Park Avenue. First year no Ski school.....pros, get to ski with my 3 girls....cons, no single ski days for me anymore, but all good. Awesome trip, for me, Park City is the best spot all things considered.
  3. An Alabama 6 may be another schools' 10
  4. I said this when we hired him, effective communication is critical in a leadership position (I know duh right?!). Mack had it (love him or hate him), he was a tremendous communicator. Sark has it too and he will improve over time, but if you look at Strong and Herman, both were severely lacking in the ability to use tone, body language, words, non-verbal etc... hopefully this translates in the recruiting dept as that is 95% sales.
  5. This is where Sark's experience with Bama will pay dividends. He will point to their depth at RB the last 5 years and show how 4-5 star depth is the long game and in the end, is the best way to develop. Star depth, game plan, injuries, situational sub patters, development etc..we now have someone with a core competency to exploit the roster to benefit of the team and the individual. Take QB for example, they had Tua, Hurts and Mac all on the roster at the same time. GA couldn't manage it, Sark and Saban did. I think Sark knows how to position us for the future.
  6. Leadership is about character, communication and competency. Only 3 ways to motivate: fear (do it or you're fired), carrot (do it and I'll pay you) and attitude. Only the third is long lasting, its cultural. We have no idea what we have yet, in any of these coaches. These 18-22 yo are different cats these days. They are going to need to trust Sark and his crew before you can lead them. Blowing them up day 1 is the last I approach I hope the S&C coach takes.
  7. Yes I’m familiar with it. If I remember correctly, I played it 20-25 years ago, it was a muni then and there weren’t any homes. The “ club house” was a small structure. My uncle worked as the starter before things blew up and Nicklaus got involved. I think I have that right. hoping to be able to make a trip there this may-June. When I bring the family , we try and stay at Seasons, on the Lake, right in town.
  8. Man talk about random. I'm up there a couple times a year. Got family in SP, moved from Southern CA years ago. They have property on the Clark Fork just inside MT border. We have a fish trip every year. Ive probably played the course you are referring to. I know this is random, but my cousin has spoken about a guy up there from TX that he knows well. We may know some of the same people.
  9. yep and shit-ton pile of money in the bank. He has cleaned up post-Texas, between big money jobs at UF and SC, and two buy-outs mixed in. We would have been getting a shell shocked, money bags with a lot of pieces tro pick up. Glad we got a somewhat up and comer who very well could find himself back in NW as a HC someday if he leads us to the promise land.
  10. @bevo, trying to catch up a bit, do you have a house in Sandpoint?
  11. This is such a great point and cannot be discounted. As a leader, you have to be an effective communicator. Sure there some highly successful coaches that are not the best at it, but for the most part, a huge component of Leadership is tone and non-verbal communication. He is articulate, but not condescending and has a salesman's personality w/o coming across corny (like the row-the boat guy). Mack was good at it but tended to the coach speak side too often. This will translate to HS coaches, recruits, parents, handlers, donors etc.. big improvement. Strong was a terrible communicator and Herman was not much better at striking a balance when he spoke to the media or on a National stage.
  12. If it comes with 6 Natty's and 22 NFL starters at every position on the field, count me in. That stat alone is incredible. A few weeks ago when Tua started, Bama had a player starting at all 22 positions on the field that Sunday.
  13. Butch jones too. Applewhite i think was an analyst as well.
  14. Guess "We aren't Texas" anymore and I for one am damn glad about it. Lets get in the game and let the W's speak for us. No more talking about being the best. Just go do it. We dont have to carry a 2x4 around and pretend we are elite. Wreck shop like Bama and the rest will take carry of itself. The baseball team doesnt dogpile until Omaha . The football team should take note. No more "We're Texas" and no more "Texas is back" .
  15. Some combo of HP Slugga, rpongett , billinsinton and/or longhorn Matt. Miss anyone ?
  16. One thing you have to take into account; as a general rule, away traveling fans are not the norm. Throw in the Bowl traveling fans and then add Pasadena and you are thoroughly narrowing down the pool. You’re not going to get the Grade A -assholes we got in Columbus in 04. Even the hokie fans on Bourbon were fine during Sugar Bow week back in the 90’s when we blew a nice halftime lead. ive traveled to a number of away games, and bowl games and the difference is night and day from what you get. Just my observation
  17. A few buddies and I from ol' JJ Pearce (one of the whitest school in DFW, lol) went to a Skyline playoff game his Sr. year, playing Sunset or Spruce, I think it was at Loos Fieldhouse. We knew we were at the right gym when during warmups he threw the ball off the back wall of the gym caught on the rebound at its highest point and tomahawked it. It was awesome.
  18. OFY I love it ! Holy sheeite muslim Texas Flood up front, its coming.
  19. That’s like saying your third baseman needs to an hr hitter. They all hit dingers now, even shortstops and 2nd baseman
  20. Sark has better buddies. Strong really didnt have many connections. Herman's were unproven and turned out to be very weak coaches, as compared to other power 5 programs of our caliber.
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