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Everything posted by jdhorn92

  1. I say let em protest away. When it crosses the line in to impeding others, break it up. Tent city comes back, break it up, stop me from entering the PCL, break it up. I just hope the demonstrators have done their homework on who they are cheering for.
  2. Seemed like a perfect spot to pitch out with 0-1 count and the runner at first with a huge lead. Hmm. Next pitch hit and run and the bunt gets him home.
  3. Finished this last night. Pulitzer finalist from a few years ago. 1800's teens to 20's or so, story about an immigrant from Sweden and his quest to journey from CA to NYC to find his brother. Has elements of Cormac from Blood Meridian in the descriptive way he portrays the West, though not that difficult to read. Not long, pretty quick read, really enjoyed it.
  4. Circles with Claire (sp) Danes is awful. Terrible plot and it has some big actors in it, but they play really stupid characters. Made it through 3 ep and threw in the towel for the Baby Reindeer show. Stay away from Circles or be warned, one. The Reindeer show is pretty interesting so far, but i would have told her to get lost a long fucking time ago, but I suppose I can see & understand why/how he didnt. He makes a lot of brutal mistakes along the way trying to tip toe around things.
  5. Pearl Jam was a solid interview, though they are a little boring. Eddie is great, always enjoy him when he's on and they still sound great.
  6. Just make a Bill in Sinton or Rpongett call out and we'll know you are one of the olds like us from Hornfans
  7. We’re hoping for that. We have a 3 BR, but now we’re thinking to making 3rd BR into an office, catch all room, etc… but we have been told the contract nurses may come in pairs
  8. This is great! Thank you. My wife has great taste so the furnishings will be good/high quality, but we’ll keep ROI in mind too. We won’t skimp. I’ll keep the thread posted as we get closer to going to market with the property…we fell ass backwards into the medial overlay district.
  9. Hell he intimidated me from a safe 20-40" from my monitor.
  10. Anyone have any experience with STR to traveling nurses? We bought a small house recently with intention of a flip, paid $110K cash for a 3/1. Needs a new roof, interior paint, flooring (LVP) and some cosmetic improvements, nothing major, new woodwork on front large front porch. Corner lot, no neighbors next to or behind. We know the owner of those lots. Last week we found out it's in a medical overlay district 2-3 blocks from a growing regional hospital. We had planned on flipping it, but once we found out about the Medical Overlay, we thought about renting it to a medical oriented practice , but after contacting a staffing (for lack of better word) company for nurses, we think it may draw $3K a month. We are in the process of acquiring furniture. Mrs JDHorn is a realtor so we are privy to many people looking to unload furniture. We have acquired a 40" Samsung, 4 beds and we generally have an attic full of stuff she uses for staging. Does anyone have thoughts on renting to nurses? My limited research shows they do extended runs at hospitals, 90 days- 6 mos and sometimes longer if they like the gig. The place is 30 min to the gulf of mexico, couple hours to New Orleans or FL panhandle beaches...not a bad area, a little rural but im thinking $3K would be the number if we got 2 or maybe 3 nurses (would be tight with 1 bathroom), though I imagine there are facilities at the hospital too?
  11. Yeah I watch the US10Y closely as well. Put a chunk of an inheritance in Vanguard Inflation Protected Fund several years ago thinking it would just keep pace with inflation and protect the principle. Deposited the funds and forgot about it. First time in my life to put $$ in a "Bond" fund. Went to look at it recently and i'm down $40K and further research indicates it's all tied to the 10yr. That's what I get for deviating from my Index stock fund strategy. Got to wait it out now, its all in an inherited IRA anyway, but got to start taking money soon.
  12. Your girlfriend needs a new Church. Fake crying in the middle of the sermon is sketchy as fuck. Id come up with something else to do on Sundays if i were you, but i know, undefeated.
  13. Going to be a hell of a movie. I can see Zack Galifinakis (sp) playing Bubba.
  14. It’s truly a dystopian society. Post fall of the wall and pre-Putin, they had a chance. Now I fear only a revolution will flip the script.
  15. Yeah just looked up some old pictures of AH, yeah that's it for sure. Thank you, great memory of my time on the 40
  16. I know it wasn't ground floor, so not 100% on 3rd floor, but i know the ceilings were very high
  17. When i was at Texas in late 80's , we found a bball court in an old building on campus. This building was an academic building, not one of the 6-pack or the Union, but it had to be of that era/age. It was pretty cool, we had a Tuesday night game going for a few months. Had to be on the 3rd floor or so of a 4 story building, and the ceilings seem to stretch another floor high. It was like finding an Easter Egg, that basketball court in the middle of campus in an old building.
  18. Only one I remember was the Schnapps bar on 6th St in the late 80's. Can't recall the name exactly, maybe Touchees'? Same side of the street as Maggie Maes, but down a block or so, across from Wileys & 606 iirc, that general area.
  19. Maybe Jack will invite Dotard and his kids to sit in the hottub
  20. Im not 100% but i think he was on his 3rd transfer, not a grad, but the 2nd time he didn't enroll, then went to UNC due to a medical deal with his family, NCAA finally acquiesced
  21. Maybe Im over-simplfying it, but the enormous amount of money in 4%-5% CD's , Money Market Accounts, CMA's etc.. heck I bought a CD for the first time in my life in 2023 and rolled to another 12 mosn in '24. Can't stay there forever. It will need to find a home (no pun intended) as rates come down. That alone could be the liquidity needed to buy more stocks as I see it. When and if mortgage rates ease even a point, we could see a home buying push, then add all the potential equity taking, downsizing, that will put a ton of liquidity in to the market.
  22. No more 6% commish. Going to be a lot of realtors hitting the road. How is the buyer's agent going to be paid? Are they saying a listing will now have a 3% commission to the seller's agent? (which will not be published anymore). Say the house is $500K. When the buyer presents offer, will it say $500K (for example) , with a 2% buyer's agent commission? So the selling agent makes 3% ($15K ) and buyer's agent $10K... the seller walks away with the difference? I suppose the negotiation will now have 3 parts minimum: 1. what the seller's agent commission will be... i could see some sellers being emboldened now and telling their agent to lower their take 2. what the transaction price will be 3. what the buyer's agent will make All of that likely happens anyway, but now it will be much more up in the air. I see in the ruling, where everything must be in writing aka a listing and showing agreement. Seems like not much will change in the end, other than there will be a ton more horse trading during the presentation of the offer.
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