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Everything posted by jdhorn92

  1. If you have twitter, the Texas Baseball account typically has highlights damn near in real time. Plenty there from last night. Here’s the 2nd slam. check out the goofs behind home plate
  2. That’s a shame 12 run lead in the 5th and won’t get a decision. Awful
  3. Keep updates coming, on a plane , no live vidoe.
  4. You were doing so well and I agree with all of it, until this part....her husband is a long way down the line and the part about bailing on the Royal Family Inc. Harvey, Mike and Louis have as good of odds at King as she does Queen.
  5. They (Trump's team) knows it's not unfair to his defense. This is all a ruse to cast credibility issues on the DA's office as noted upthread a few posts. It's a smokescreen, a carnival barker, your basic diversion technique to stall and distract and make FW and her office look as bad as possible. The longer it goes on, the more chance she is removed from the case, the more damage is done to her office, makes the Dems look like they are conspiring, all the while feeding red meat to Trump's deplorables.
  6. he needs to be an everyday player IMO. Brown heating up.
  7. Good to know. Wont affect me unitl '25, but Ill be trekking over to this lounge almost weekly, unless I hit the minimum spend on Delta for Sky club access. Ill still get a dozen entries with the Plat Amex, but Ill eat those up quickly.
  8. He needs to sit. He’s looked disinterested all season, like he really doesn’t give a shit
  9. Feel like we tie it up with a dinger after Flo K and pulling LK
  10. Cheers: Shock Aversion Scene
  11. forgot about him, he was a swiss army knife for us last year. One of our only 2 way players
  12. Was it Ole Miss or am i mis-remembering, had to win SEC tournament to get in , won it and then won? the CWS. Edit: haha , just looked it up, beat the land thieves for the natty as the last team to make field, won 10 of 11 in post season to claim their first and only title; got to love college baseball https://olemisssports.com/news/2022/6/26/baseball-ole-miss-wins-the-2022-national-championship
  13. Did you see the other day someone (may have been softball now that I think about it) hit the HR cycle? Slam, 2 run, 3 run and then i believe solo shot to round it out.
  14. Yeah iirc we played IU 4 games at least (maybe more, did we see them postseason?) and they were more than game. You could tell they had some guys that could really play. edit: just looked it up, we played a 3 game set , dropping the rubber match and no postseason
  15. Sorry if already posted. Love him or hate him, Jon Stewart with a reasonable solution. Long and short, Israel stops bombing and pulls out. ALL hostages released. Arab nations form coalition force (I know I know, thats a big ask). Wont be called NATO for obvious reasons, but rather METO (I laughed, Middle East Treaty Org). DMZ between a Gaza and Israel is established, funded and monitored by a METO force. Im mean it makes sense on paper. https://www.cnn.com/videos/media/2024/02/27/the-daily-show-jon-stewart-war-in-gaza-orig.cnn
  16. Thank you for that Wally. Those of us who have experienced this journey/choice know the path is arduous. Mrs Jdhorn and I got married later in life and thus started a family later; for the younger folks here, women often incur a thinning of the lining needed for attachment. Being in our mid-30's, time was not on our side. After our first was born in '04 through IUI, we wrestled with IVF. Our decision really came down to.....50 years from now will we be able to say to ourselves we exhausted all options of having our own , 2nd child. IVF is not cheap , you know better than most , and we decided to give it a go. Fortunately for us it took on the first try and we were blessed with 1 of the 4 placed being born. IVF rarely works the first time and there is the possibility of the egg splitting, ie octomom. Our Dr did not believe in reduction, so that is a painful, stressful few weeks. Ive been doing some additional reading this morning, and it seems likley this may only be a pause. The State Legislature of AL will be taking up the matter soon and we can only pray more pragmatic laws are enacted, one can only hope. HTF did someone gain access to that part of the hospital?!
  17. really glad we had the nuts to fire him, despite his relative success. 4-0 in Bowls, never won less than 7, no losing record, 1 10 win Season. He was not a good rep for Texas. What an asshole.
  18. God forbid my kids encounter the challenges my wife and I did. IVF is often the only hope for some couples. Freezing embryos due to illness, necessity or the myriad of other circumstances is a real thing. If this becomes national, my goodness what a travesty. Us too, right there with you. IUI for the first, IVF for the 2nd and the third natural, born exactly 53 weeks after #2. The chemistry was there, the body was accepting and we got lucky/fortunate our third was conceived w/o any help. I dont know why but this topic just really pissed me off when I saw it on the nightly news last night. I even called my state rep this morning to make voice my take with her. At the risk of going CR, Im considering voting Dem for the first time in my life due to women's body issues. Rant done.
  19. Days after Alabama’s Supreme Court ruling that frozen embryos are children, a second clinic pauses IVF treatment https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/21/us/alabama-ruling-frozen-embryos-facility-pauses-ivf/index.html https://www.washingtonpost.com/style/power/2024/02/21/embryos-alabama-supreme-court-ruling/ As a parent of an IVF child, this is disheartening. I have 3 teen daughters and it is beyond ridiculous. At issue is a Mobile, AL hospital was sued when a patient somehow wandered into the lab and destroyed an IVF procedure; the patients sued the hospital for wrongful death and State Supreme court ruled in favor of the plantiff. Now IVF is haulted statewide.
  20. I think playing one game vs two, with a shot at the FF is better. Getting in top 4 will be the goal. Thin the heard a bit. Playing a home playoff game would be great if it happens, but being on the couch, watching your next opponent grind it out is a nice feeling imo. There wont be much difference in 8 or 9 opponent. A strong #4 conf champ is hoping for an upset and drawing #12 neutral site.
  21. @Ghost of LL yeah the spend requirement is just for getting guests in for $0. The reason this was important to me is I fly Delta through Atl 2-3x per month and next year I will lose Sky Club, but with Amex opening Centurion in ATL, ill have another option, albeit not as convenient.
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