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  1. Got my $500 match in time this week, so I’ll be there more for sure. They’re having a celebration of life hang out tonight at 7pm at red star for Big E. I’m heading to southeast Texas though today, so won’t be able to make it, but I’m sure it’ll be an awesome time with lots of good memories about an awesome dude that meant so much to the Austin poker scene.
  2. Awesome, sounds like a fun night! GGs
  3. I’m sure we’ve passed some chips back and forth. Fat mild aged bearded white guy, typical shit reg. Edit - quoted the wrong part, tappa noob.
  4. Red star just changed their 1/2 to $500 max. It ch aged while I was there today during free play from noon - 2. Game keeps making earlier, I was there right at noon and they already had one full table and we made the second table around 12:30ish. Seems like the plan is to keep it going for now, so I’ll try to be there a few times a week at least during the day, until I finally get one of those job things. Gross.
  5. RIP Big E, owner of Red Star and Austin poker staple. Not sure what is going to happen with Red Star, but assume it won’t be around much longer. Action at TCH has been great. Changing the 1/2 to a $500 max has led to some great deep stack action.
  6. He dumps $450k on the stream yesterday.
  7. Heading to NOLA tomorrow for our anniversary. We got married there in 2016, but haven’t been back since. Hitting up Compère Lapin, Brennan’s (brunch), GW Fins so far. WW II museum on Monday, and I’m sure I’ll slum it up at Harrahs. Weather looks fantastic, should be good times!
  8. dirtonia


    Workhorse is awesome and the owner is a good dude.. check ‘em out fo sure.
  9. dirtonia

    Tex Mex

    Enchiladas y mas playa.
  10. dirtonia

    Tex Mex

    Bringing the MFing ruckus!
  11. Smoketown! As someone from Silsbee, I can confirm it’s pretty terrible.
  12. And, the dream is over, at least for this year. Out in 318th for $44,700. Still a great run for sure.
  13. At least one local crusher I know is still alive in the main, last update I saw he was around 1M chips. LFG, Sasha!!!!!
  14. I went to school with Dre’lon’s dad and two twin uncles, all great folks. Wish he was coming to Austin.
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