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Native Horn

Certifiably Surly
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3592 Surly 10%

About Native Horn

  • Birthday October 11

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  1. Glad the tiger didn't get ya. How's the baby?
  2. Any time when I am feeling haughty and superior, I just read this thread for the instant kick-in-the-nuts feeling it gives me. Well done, my brothers and sisters.
  3. Looks like about $40 worth of beer there.
  4. Man, Danni is thirsty. Chase on the boat two days, and they're spending the night in one of the guest rooms.
  5. The HEB Chicken Tortilla soup kit is surprisingly good. Takes less than an hour to make. Pro tip: I grill an extra chicken breast to add, since the amount provided in the kit isn't very much. Also I use two quarts of bone broth instead of the water that it calls for.
  6. Until we find out if the shooter used mags or clips, we just can't be sure, and shouldn't rush to judgment. Thoughts and prayers are the only things that we should be doing. Those poor kids. Dammit.
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