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Native Horn

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Native Horn

  1. Brech Spradley at Barton Creek Golf Academy.
  2. Bannable offense. Jk, an ice-cold LS Light tallboy is awesome.
  3. Native Horn


    How did he prepare this? Air fryer? Sautee?
  4. Well, not according to HIM!
  5. Really enjoyed "Rather" on Netflix. About Dan Rather and his career in the news. Forgot how many high-profile stories he covered over a very long career. And a good Texan to boot.
  6. Jesus, these videos are nightmare fuel. T & Ps to those poor folks.
  7. Perfect. While you do that, I'll entertain his wife.
  8. And what idiot contestant applicant thought it was a good idea either? Oh, guess that would be Liz. What a maroon.
  9. Wow. SHSU will play in front of more fans than that tonight.
  10. "Son, you got a boxy on yo head..."
  11. Lesser than/greater than - how does it work?
  12. Hunter, bubbe, look in the mirror.
  13. Thought for sure that Seager would get the day off due to that HBP last night. At least he's just DHing.
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