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Native Horn

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Native Horn

  1. F da haters, just caught up on this and love it. Very funny in parts, and poignant in others.
  2. Correction, additional cards are $195. But your point still probably stands.
  3. Vince and Matt went up the hill, each had a buck and a quarter. Vince came down with two-fiddy, whoa, Vince, that slut!
  4. Holiday House in its prime was pretty unique. Airport Blvd location with the awesome fish tank, Burnet Road with emus, and of course Charlie the alligator on Barton Springs. Fun times as a kid.
  5. Apparently UT Athletics doesn't "run" Gregory like they do with DKR and the Disch. So they see opportunities for concessions and other gameday experiences that they can't really control at Gregory. Seems like CDC or Coach Elliott could throw their weight around and get shit done at Gregory exactly how they want it, but guess not.
  6. It's a psy-op by Nicole to take the heat off her for a little bit.
  7. This slams and goes hard. Not quite as lemony as one may think based upon the description, but I would definitely buy again.
  8. Still can't believe Ferrari didn't release the 2024 red livery on Valentine's.
  9. Had a similar injury about seven years ago (softball, not skiing) and think I might have taken a couple of Toradol since the pain was significant. But after the first couple of days, ibuprofen seemed to do the trick. I did consult with an orthopedic surgeon about potential surgery. Asked him what happens if I don't get it plated. He said I'd just have a sexy bump near my left shoulder. I'm not into elective surgery, so I opted out and it healed fine, although with the aforementioned bump.
  10. I thought the NFL OT rules say that if the team first possessing the ball in OT scores a TD, it's game over, man. Game over.
  11. According to the article, he never served.
  12. Not sure if it is the formatting or what, but that is a terribly written article. And Tony Plohetski is a great journalist.
  13. Does that taste better than red paint?
  14. Native Horn


    Well it's funny to US!
  15. His family is awesome. Really nice to see that they love him so much and just roll with things. (Love on the Spectrum)
  16. Just saw the first two episodes yesterday. So far, so good. Can't tell yet if it's supposed to be a black comedy (no racist).
  17. Captain is a micro-manager (and maybe needs to be). Bosun, as stated above, has the dumbz. Great talent on the stew side as well as the lady deckhand. Witchy woman has yuge tracts of land. Chef is way above his head, at least timing-wise. Over an hour in between courses? Yikes. Blonde stew seems already broken on day one. Potential to have several new crew within a few weeks.
  18. Each race is on ESPN or ABC. No need for F1TV to just watch the races.
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