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Native Horn

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Native Horn

  1. Pretty sure Bruce had the vote for Julie.
  2. Had not heard of this. Looks like $195 per seat. Yikes. Time savings is significant though.
  3. Correct, it's the new math. (Narrator: we won three games of eleven by single digits).
  4. Have you been to College Station? If my organization told me they wanted me to move to CS and triple my (rather meager) salary, I would say hell to the no. I suppose if multiple millions are in play for a coach, eh, maybe?
  5. Clarification: I'll miss Zonk and Zeke calling the games. Would be excellent if they get picked up by SEC network.
  6. I'll miss baseball terribly, as well as the commercials with the UT crossing guard.
  7. Somebody needs to give that evil BAP a liter of polonium tea.
  8. Provide bona fide women's health services in the state of Texas.
  9. I've met both Ron and Judy before (back when they were still the KVUE stars) and they were both as nice as you would think. #csb
  10. It's now $58 per day after the first day! They gonna be rich!
  11. Just a nice, relaxing free lunch.
  12. I thought this was one of the best episodes in recent memory. Food auction was great, and immunity challenge was tough. Add the blindside to it all, and made for a great show. Kellie's wife is a lucky lady, she's cute af.
  13. That's double A.......HONK HONK......MCO.
  14. Sadly. He's got issues which require tissues, fo sho.
  15. Well that escalated quickly.
  16. So if Hamilton or Russell said, "nah, I'm gonna go throw some money down on craps" what exactly would Toto do? He's got bigger fish to fry.
  17. that mustard gives me the yips.
  18. I do this all the time, especially in Vegas in the summer. No guilt at all, they're getting enough of my $ anyway.
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