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Native Horn

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Native Horn

  1. The "I've Decided to Dig a Hole" thread is over >>> This is very interesting, can't believe you're getting all of that done for $12K. Congratulations!
  2. Guessing Texas One Fund has a plethora of TV remotes? 😁 I'll be at the KU one.
  3. Also, not sure why this in in Lulz. Sheesh.
  4. This happened to my wife as well. My son was born (C-section), he was healthy, but the OBGYN said there was a problem with getting mom to stop bleeding. She called in another doc for reinforcements. Before they escorted me out of the OR, I asked "Is this a life or death situation?" Both docs replied in unison, "Very much so." So like Incredulity, there I went to bottle feed my brand new child, not knowing if he and I would be going back home without her. Good news is, she was in ICU a couple of days, made a full recovery, and all turned out OK. Well, now she's my ex-wife, but a badass mother to our only child and we're still good friends.
  5. Liquid Lunch is highly underrated. Except in this case.
  6. All I know is, Travis County doesn't allow Billy Bob Juror to wear shorts to jury duty. If I must suffer, so must they.
  7. Not that I will be attending the Baylor Toilet Stadium this Saturday, but just curious - can fans haz alcohol at concessions?
  8. Well if I was a ghost, I MIGHT try it. Otherwise, hell to the no.
  9. Fuck off, Clements. Clements asked if Sark would like to continue playing "the Baylors, the TCUs going forward."
  10. FCB asks question about passing game. Sark said "I don't I know what you're referring to." FCB tries to rephrase, still a gibberish question. Sark says "Passing game just wasn't good." #fin
  11. Don't you care about your teammates?!?!
  12. Wouldn't be too sure of that... https://www.si.com/college/2023/06/15/deion-sanders-colorado-foot-procedure-risk-amputation
  13. Do you have any idea what 50/50 ground beef would do to a grill??
  14. I've watched it at ACL several times, and it's actually a blast. Nice crowd and 60 beer taps a few steps away.
  15. Well shit, I would LOVE to be able to get in and change my password, but alas.
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