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Native Horn

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Native Horn

  1. If you look at the Austin subreddit, there are stories occasionally about cars being towed in Austin only because their registration is expired. Like nnm said, probably some BS in her lease about this, so I would make sure she gets the new-ish sticker on her vehicle before she gets towed.
  2. I should say, Connor's Heart is the name of Lance and Lisa's nonprofit to raise awareness. But the proceeds are going to some Austin drug-abuse organization that they chose to donate to. And the shows in other cities will also donate to those cities' local organizations, at least that's how I understand it.
  3. Bingo. Lance was my next door neighbor before I moved. They will also be doing shows in NYC, Dallas, Chicago, LA and New Orleans (I assume with different lineups than the Austin show).
  4. No, but they had a couple of tables there promoting sobriety, including an Austin organization whose name I don't recall, to which the concert proceeds are being donated.
  5. Thanks for adding Roscoe Beck. Couldn't remember his name, but man he is really good.
  6. Went to a fundraiser (fentanyl crisis) last night at Emo's. Show hosted by Lance Keltner, whose stepson succumbed to accidental fentanyl overdose. Pretty awesome lineup: Eric Johnson acoustic with accompaniment by a great stand-up bass player. Then Vallejo put on a really great rocking show, followed by the Lance Keltner band, which also tore it up. Johnny Gowdy then performed, and Guy Forsyth closed it out with a bunch of dudes who had already performed. Really great show.
  7. Tough week for Sandy. Lost her boyfriend to ALS, now this.
  8. Oh wow, all of those in one day?? Very ambitious, but sounds like a badass day.
  9. Probably only need to hit City Market once, unless you're really into sausage. Otherwise, solid list.
  10. Not sure I've ever seen a douchier "vehicle."
  11. Put a couple slices of this on a hamburger earlier this week - solid addition.
  12. If your swollen lug nuts persist for more than four hours, seek medical attention immediately.
  13. He Huffed, and he puffed, and he blew dirt over home plate.
  14. Man, Smith freaking blasted that one. Loud double.
  15. What is interesting to me in this discussion, much of it based upon quibbling over words, is that some keep tagging "Litig8r" instead of the poster in question, "Lidig8r."
  16. Interesting. Maybe you were picking up the San Antonio Q101.9? Googles tells me it's the Kidd Kraddick show in the morning. If the Austin 101.9 signal is really that weak, that sucks.
  17. Just had my annual "wellness" exam this morning. The usual stuff - checking stuff with stethoscope, eyes, ears, nose, bloodwork after the checkup. For some reason, he didn't ask to shove his digit up my arse. I did not remind him. #winning? (He did add checking my PSA to the bloodwork, along with uric acid due to the gout).
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