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Native Horn

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Native Horn

  1. Scherzer finally with a ho-hum inning. Keep it up!
  2. Yes. Surface area. I think it's a good move, for the record.
  3. Wait, tater tots for breakfast? Duly noted.
  4. Threadjack - what happened to Whitfield's BBQ at Davis/Brodie? Did Casey relocate, or just shut it down?
  5. Joke's on you. Max starts 6th. He'll NEVER make it to the front!
  6. Friendly reminder of a bit different schedule this weekend: FP1 Friday July 28 06:30am Central Qualifying Friday July 28 10:00am Central Sprint Shootout Saturday July 29 05:00am Central Sprint Race Saturday Saturday July 29 09:30am Central Grand Prix Sunday July 30 08:00am Central
  7. Or the George Brett knock-off version, Pinetarist.
  8. Interesting. Never heard of that at a BBQ joint before.
  9. I just don't see how Vegas will put up with this shit for ten years. Not the money, which will be substantial (did I answer my own question?), but the general hassle of it all. I'm guessing they'll be repaving Las Vegas Blvd and the rest of the circuit (public roads) for six months a year, every year? I do think it will be really cool to see those cars haul ass down the Strip, but sure seems like a lot of heartache for basically three days of action per year.
  10. Wordle 762 5/6* ⬜⬜🟨⬜⬜ ⬜🟩⬜⬜⬜ ⬜🟩🟩⬜🟩 ⬜🟩🟩⬜🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 buncha overachievers today, besides me of course
  11. He got hit pretty square on the elbow pad. Maybe just a funny-bone stinger?
  12. There's some Heim Maintenance! Blonde bimbo almost fell down the stairs trying to get that.
  13. Furk. Hope Adolis recovers on the off-day.
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