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Native Horn

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Native Horn

  1. C'mon man, this isn't the thread for actual game prognostication or discussion. Fish out front should told ya.
  2. And that's why the black hole submersible operated in international waters. No need to follow such foolish recommendations.
  3. I wrote a few limericks inspired by this apparent tragedy. There once was a Canadian submersible Twas not much larger than a convertible It dove down to see Part of ocean history But now it is irretrievable The wealthy crammed into a can Each one a Titanic fan As they dove to the depths below You could hear them scream oh no Surely we have a good rescue plan For this journey we paid a quarter mil The pilot seems like a shill It is so cold and so dark I would like to disembark But all we can do is chill
  4. Do you even Old San Antonio Road, bro?
  5. Lewis and George both on second row. Hope they don't wreck each other on turn 1.
  6. She clearly wants two sammiches - one with turkey, and one with cheese. Get it together, man!
  7. Booked a trip today for mid-August with my son. Will be his first time to Vegas, and can't wait to show him the ropes. At least it will only be a "dry heat" 118 degrees.
  8. Looks like a rainy weekend in store. Which teams/drivers might this favor?
  9. Not sure if mentioned above, but "Love and Death" is a true-crime series about a church-related romance turned to murder in Wylie, TX in the late 70s/early 80s. Jesse Plemons plays male lead, Elizabeth Olsen the female lead. Fantastic sets from that era as well as a great soundtrack. I'm only two episodes in to the seven that make up the series and I love it so far.
  10. Saw this and was like whaaaatttt??? Then the post below. Dang man.
  11. That is nightmare fuel. So sorry that happened to grandma.
  12. Came in to post this, glad somebody beat me. Well done sir.
  13. Man, this sucks. I always enjoyed killing a few bottles (or even a magnum) while wrapping presents. Thanks a lot, Bin Ladin.
  14. Has anybody seen a shot of our dugout to see if there actually any coaches in there interacting with the players? Maybe some type of strategy discussions for our batters?
  15. 13 offensive outs by Horns so far, nine by K. Not great, Bob.
  16. Eight combined homers in Wake/Bammer game so far. The third inning is not yet over. Jeepers.
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