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Native Horn

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Native Horn

  1. Jesus, rough crowd. I retract my statement. Neil and I are best buds, and we're going salsa dancing tonight.
  2. Not gonna lie, been watching ESPN since its inception and have no idea who this dude is.
  3. Welp, looks like my dreams will suck tonight.
  4. FIFY. Dropping the H-bomb is considered rude.
  5. 100% agree with this assessment, but please remember that aggy doesn't put much thought into anything they do unless it's sheep or dominoes at The Chicken.
  6. But how were the folks on the plane?
  7. Daisy nailed it when she told Gary that he was crazy if he thought she was his backup plan.
  8. What a shitshow. PGA literally buried their head in the sand.
  9. From what I can gather from watching "Breach" and doing some reading about his treachery, Hanssen didn't do it only for the financial gain, but also because it really seemed to stroke his ego to know that his peers were looking for a mole right under their noses. What an awful dude, hiding behind his religion while having Russian spies killed, our national defense compromised, and hell, even cheating on his wife. wellbye.gif
  10. I had my first attack about five or so years ago. Didn't know what it was at first. Went to visit my dermatologist for a skin check, asked her to also look at my swollen red large toes and she said I had the gout. She prescribed me colchicine (https://medlineplus.gov/druginfo/meds/a682711.html) which worked very quickly to relieve the pain. Then went to see my reg doc and I've been on allopurinol ever since. No attacks since then. I avoid shellfish for the most part (the attack came on after eating a bunch of skrimps), but do a terrible job at avoiding beer.
  11. I read somewhere (Reddit, maybe?) that the Parsifal III is going to get a complete overhaul including engine next off-season. Which I assume already happened.
  12. What I meant was, of course he came out of the bullpen since I don't believe he ever started a game.
  13. So from what I can gather from these commentators, one of them (Gabriela?) played for the U the last time they played Texas. That's the only reason they're even bringing it up. The other dude asked him "was Huston Street coming out of the bullpen then?" Jesus.
  14. Made up for that failed double earlier! Attababy!
  15. Looks really muddy around first base. Imagine that didn't help.
  16. High fly to left, Porter lost it, but fortunately drifted foul, about 40 feet away from Porter.
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