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Native Horn

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Native Horn

  1. LHN audio/video seems very glitchy.
  2. Bingo. For what, I have no idea.
  3. That looks amazing! Was that a one-person meal? Looks like a meat coma incoming.
  4. I have watched the first two episodes. Requires a bit of belief suspension, but I'll keep watching. Rose is pretty hot.
  5. In while Rangers are still undefeated. Let's go de Grom!
  6. Must be imitating a much younger man.
  7. Just wanted to clarify for any NASCAR fans that might be following this thread. 🙃
  8. I know you're probably just illustrating the volume of activity this weekend, but please nobody think those are Central times listed. F1 race is 11:55 pm CDT on Saturday.
  9. "Wait, there are machines that make coffee that you can use at HOME???" - Probably Several Surly Wives
  10. Keith Raniere and the NXIVM cult being the latest iteration. At least he didn't kill himself like that pussy Koresh. Serving 120 years in the federal pen.
  11. If I were to picture what an aggy XC runner looks like in my head, this is precisely what I would come up with.
  12. Something I learned today: there's a dressing made in Nebraska named Dorothy Lynch, and it is "both sweet and spicy." I love this place.
  13. Man, that body cam video was rough to watch. Not even gonna say it was dusty, I was full on crying. Goddammit, the insanity of all of this.
  14. Just spitballing here, but you may be on to something!
  15. Now if it was at Sam's, we'd probably have to dip into the wreath fun. I hope your son is OK and that they figure out how you can contact that dumbass.
  16. No fucking around guys - wear the same shit you've been wearing for the first three games. And whatever other superstitions you follow - they matter.
  17. True, he does seem overly concerned about that.
  18. OK, y'all have me sold on the Mi Tienda beans. Will pick some up next trip.
  19. The thought of Verstappen shorts makes me throw up in my mouth a little bit.
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