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Native Horn

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Native Horn

  1. Well sumbitch. Thanks for the info though.
  2. Costco really doesn't do much custom pizza since they got rid of supreme at the start of the pandemic. With cost controls I'm not sure it ever comes back. So the Costco I frequent (South Austin) doesn't ever seem to have any of their pizzas in the refrigerated section. Did they quit selling those? Not looking to buy a whole cooked pizza at 10am from their deli.
  3. This is a recent thread that may have some useful info: https://www.surlyhorns.com/board/topic/29758-emts/#comment-5072623
  4. Bro, if you don't like AMERICA, why don't you just move to a foreign country like Hawaii!!??
  5. "the" Pizza Hut. Lol. Guarantee that hag hasn't ever stepped foot in one.
  6. Gabriel Luna (Tommy) sat in with Del Castillo last night at Saxon Pub. Plays a pretty sweet guitar.
  7. Lulz. Like Oklahoma has a French restaurant.
  8. Saw Del Castillo last night at Saxon Pub. Not the full band, just a trio. But the cool thing is that Gabriel Luna (actor who plays Tommy on The Last of Us) sat in for a couple of songs. Just a great show.
  9. Nah, just don't think she's worthy of a 1 or 2.
  10. Isn't the race at 9am Central? Can you catch it at the hotel before the wedding?
  11. In the Dumbasses are Dumbasses department.....a couple of years ago, I thought my dishwasher was fried. Checked the breaker box which was all good, started looking online for replacements. Mentioned to a friend at work and she (yes, she, no pics) said you might have accidentally turned off the switch. I guess the switch was already on when I moved into the house, and I honestly didn't know there even was a switch. She was right, I accidentally turned off the switch when moving stuff on the counter. #dumbass
  12. The "Unpopular Takes" thread is over thataway.
  13. Well maybe he can use some money and buy a fucking layup. Sheesh.
  14. But his math skills might need some assistance.
  15. Short rib eggs benedict is the way to go at The Henry (Cosmo).
  16. Wait, you got some Best Buy coupons to contribute to this, or are you just an "idea" guy?
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