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Native Horn

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Native Horn

  1. Ah OK, thought I missed the news on Dickie V. Whew! (Sorry Mr. Enberg).
  2. I'll bring some Tajin and a blowtorch.
  3. Tell your old man to drag Walton and Lanier up and down the court for 48 minutes!
  4. No caps to all caps. I'm torn. (And probably soon to be cut.)
  5. Fred Akers' daughter also drove a 10th anniversary Z in high school.
  6. One of the saddest things in the world is driving down Barton Springs Road thru Zilker Park the Monday after the Zilker Kite Festival. Tons of dead soldiers caught in the trees. And the festival itself - ay yi yi, never seen so many crying kids in one place (my son included).
  7. Tangentially, if you're feeling lonely because your friends aren't texting you, go get in your car and run some errands. Boom.
  8. I'm sure the actuaries for that insurance company (if they have any) aren't very confident in the life expectancy tables they devise for that demographic.
  9. And Better Call Saul losing to some fucking dragon show......jeez. (I did not watch said dragon show, so flame away).
  10. Love listening to Brad Sham and Babe Laufenberg for Cowboys radio. Tons of insight, of course, to the Cowboys, without being yuge homers. Somebody makes a terrible play, they aren't afraid to call it out.
  11. Yes, JJ, it was in March, 2021. But I understand your confusion on keeping the dozens upon dozens of mass shootings straight. Hell, I already forgot about that one.
  12. Dry January is hard on everybody buddy.
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