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Native Horn

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Native Horn

  1. James Brown and Derek Lewis - they own the whole fucking state.
  2. The first paragraph cannot be emphasized enough. Between the HS sports, "Florida Man" bullshit, and five minutes of commercials every ten minutes, the late morning show with Craig Way and Jeff Howe is basically unlistenable for me.
  3. Dusty up in here. What a badass woman.
  4. And after the race is over, I go do Sunday errands and notice I am driving WAY more aggressively than most people at 10 am.
  5. Agree. Plus, how is Mrs. Stifler gonna star in Season 3 if she's dead?
  6. Agree 100% with this assessment. Parents bought one (special ordered?) a 1974 version. Four-banger that generated maybe 90 BHP. Fortunately it was handed down to my older sister instead of me. I was "lucky" enough to get a 1977 Nova - not named Nova in Mexico because it means "No Go" in Spanish, which is also an accurate assessment. I did manage to get a speeding ticket or two in it - wind must have been in my favor.
  7. I thought the commercials you should seek medical attention after four hours? Bold strategy there, Cotton.
  8. Nothing like a good waffle-stomper to get things going for Thanksgiving. Hope you recover soon!
  9. I don't like your attitude, Mr. Turkey McTurkeyPants.
  10. Just looked this up - George is 6'1", Yuki is 5'3".
  11. Russell making the rest of his row look like dwarves.
  12. Horns up to Mike B. Slept that cancer!
  13. Mikey feels emboldened now that Amblyopia Annie will be Governor
  14. Well maybe they will announce one soon. Although like most others here, I hope he stays at aggy for a long while.
  15. Maybe I'm missing something, but this was about a meeting in August, 2021. When he got that badass raise, because he's a known badass.
  16. Should be bottomless Jeroboams for that package.
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