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Native Horn

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Native Horn

  1. You got somethin' against quality control??
  2. On a related note, "Mo" on Netflix is also very solid. Story of Ramy's friend from that series.
  3. Caught the tail end of FP2. Pretty challenging racetrack. Presenters said that there are approximately 91 shift changes per lap, which is almost one per second. Seems like a lot.
  4. Just checked out the Aquavit website. Looks cool as shit. Will definitely put that on the list for my next visit. My Nordic palate is extremely limited, as in I have never had it.
  5. I park right off of Medical Arts Street, between Red River and Dean Keeton. There are a few charity lots there (Rotary Club) that charge $30. Literally a five minute walk to Surly tailgate, ten minutes to DKR.
  6. You should be able to Uber there easily, T-shirt Sip
  7. But you were still in Oklahoma. Checkmate.
  8. To be fair, illicit beats elicit. At least in my book.
  9. Easy to tell who doesn't have large oak trees near/over their pool. When I had a pool, I was emptying the skimmer baskets a couple/three times a day during pollen or fall season. Pump basket at least once a week, sometimes more. Oaks are pretty, but are definitely a pool's enemy.
  10. Good think Bijan doesn't play for Tech. Woulda been 33 touches!
  11. Pretty sure season 2 is a whole new location and cast.
  12. By far the most worthless of the pro sports All-Star type games. Sayanora!
  13. Heard a commercial for this on the radio over the weekend. Was like WTF??
  14. Maybe I missed it elsewhere, but did Agent 0 win UT's appeal on the "targeting"?
  15. So how's your meeting going, 52-80?
  16. What is amazing to me is that we have such intricate analysis of all of this, and yet have the fortitude to yell "MULEDICK!!!" when arriving at a tailgate. We are a fucking special group of people.
  17. Well their hypophosphate joke is destined to fall flat.
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