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Native Horn

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Native Horn

  1. At least we won't have to worry about losing to a 14 seed this year.
  2. Hoity Toit dive bar is fun for a brew or two. The Oyster Bar on Seguin is usually pretty happening on the weekend.
  3. Right. It's because of COVID. *jlaw.gif*
  4. I violated the spirit of wanting to fuck your mom. Doesn't mean I did. Let the F1 soaps begin.
  5. Hey now, I've seen Ozark, and it only takes about 2-3 minutes.
  6. Wait, in THAT order?? What an asshole!
  7. One of us olds needs to teach Trey how to carry a boombox.
  8. That'll teach you to go on a foreign vacation!
  9. Ashley in a bikini near the end of this week's episode is quite awesome.
  10. A real damned-if-you-do, fucked-if-you-don't type situation.
  11. Innersting. I think he only says that when it's a knock.
  12. Maybe salmon? Need shot of belly.
  13. Whataburger #4 meal with fries and Diet DP.
  14. Sadly, the two years he has been of "legal" age, have been filled with lockdowns and remote classes. Bad timing. But he really does living there.
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