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Native Horn

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Native Horn

  2. I loved it when the one on Guadalupe turned into Antone's. For a while, anyway.
  3. "Girl in the swing" brings to mind The Old San Francisco Steakhouse" on IH-35 near 290. I remember going there for special occasions with the family back in the day. Big blocks of cheese on the table for appetizers. I think it must have closed 15-20 years ago though.
  4. To be fair, Austin did the same thing in the 80s on Town Lake.
  5. well hopefully they DO testify (fat chance) and have their shit seized anyway.
  6. OP username doesn't check out with thread title.
  7. Took an exercise class in ATX from a former SEAL who said he was in Red Cell. Now he's in the federal penitentiary for bank robbery. Oops.
  8. Western Mottled Gluetrap Snek?
  9. Yes, that scene was in one of those 8 minute snippets that is actually 1 minute of preview and 7 minutes of Taylor Sheridan saying "fuck," "Texas whiskey," "cowboying," and "$35 million dollar truck/sperm donor horse/see my new shows."
  10. Life is hard. This place makes it a little bit easier, and even gives a few laughs along the way. Merry Christmas, ya animals of filth.
  11. That 6666 chick said "I went to school in Tarleton, then vet school at A&M." Pretty sure that Tarleton State is in Stephenville, not a town named Tarleton. C'mon Taylor, get your facts straight.
  12. I can assure you that it was Gold Mine back in the 80s.
  13. Just a plot line that never took off.
  14. So is the show on the 18th the one where Jost and Che have to read each other's jokes on Weekend Update? Always cracks me up.
  15. Or a dork like me and played Defender and Joust at The Stallion. Or at the little "Mac Shack" across the street from the school.
  16. I laughed when they wound up at Wheatsville Co-op. Probably brought the average age in the store down 30 years.
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