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Native Horn

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Native Horn

  1. Had pecan-smoked brisket tacos there for lunch today. Delicious. Fight me.
  2. At least his funeral should be simple.
  3. SEAL Team is a guilty pleasure for me. Although the Paramount + platform is very shittily designed, yuge lag time.
  4. Paula Newsome, lead homicide detective on "CSI: Vegas" agrees with this.
  5. I knew this was the issue! (I don't know shit about fuck)
  6. What if it only happens 23 times, smart guy? Huh?
  7. I laughed my ass off, but...........yikes!
  8. It is amazing to me how solid a group this is. And measuring any of them against JD Couchfucker? Comical.
  9. Not to threadjack, but The Americans is on my top three list of series I have seen, along with Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul. I gave up on Lost when it got ridiculous, but that pilot was nails.
  10. The show is already boring enough. Let us have our rocky ports, broken glassware and windlasses, incompetent crew and massive dump photo talk!
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