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  1. Why does Ewers insist on throwing into double coverage.
  2. Have to adjust my list now that Jimmy Carter has died. 1. Jerry Jones - Die you SOB die....Nice showing against the Eagles you cock sucker - 82 2. Jane Fonda - Saw this on another list... for my 2 tour Vietnam veteran father.. who never had one nice to thing to say about that traitorous cunt.. - 87 3. Sean Puffy Combs - 55 4. Ozzy - 76 5. Mel Brooks - 98 6. Joe Biden - 82 7. Bruce Willis - 69 8. Vladimir Putin - 72 9. Yoko Ono -91 10. Ariana Grande - 31
  3. Put me in the camp of - Hey Fuckyou Payme... thx for staying out of Vince's way and letting him win us all a national championship.. Other than that.. keep that cancer off the 40 acres.
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