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Everything posted by TexasBeta

  1. In the end, they are who they have always been, petulant children who don’t belong at the adults table.
  2. Dang @Randolph Duke beat me to it --- From Bohls "Prominent Big 12 source tells the American-Statesman the Texas-OU move to the SEC is almost done. "They've been working on this for a minimum of 6 months, and the A&M leadership was left out of discussions and wasn't told about it." Move could become official in a week." Yes.. Yes.. Let the hate flow and wash over me.. I see you hayseeds - See you in November cowards..
  3. That cock cobbler molests sheep. Such pure joy. Hey Billy! I have a question. Come thanksgiving how’s that length feel and taste. Cock smoker.
  4. None. I hope none of us ever call in. We just go about our business. Number 1 will be to put aggy in their accustomed place.
  5. Keep tOSU and UM on the schedule - Not afraid. Bring on everybody - No Prairie View A&M on Texas' schedule.
  6. Oh my gosh - I feel dizzy and drunk on the flood of aggy despair - it's just too much .. so much of a glorious shower of hate and their realization that, as always, they suck.
  7. I'm in - the farmer tears are just too delicious and addicting. Football is football.. baseball will be great. Basketball (?) no idea. Non revenue sports - Texas will wreck shop.
  8. If it does go down.. I will never watch his show.. ever.. He's an ass. On the SECRANT boards they are all up in arms about Texas and our gameday program on LHN. It would be great if we could keep that.. I don't like it but ... just a finger in the farmers eye is all I ask for.
  9. Considering the rather large number of kids at Arkansas, LSU, and OU are Texas kids I would agree.
  10. I've been watching the forums - @golfclap is slapping down a Miss State hypothesis that Texas is not a national brand. It's really a race to the bottom w/ those folks regarding intellectual capacity. The aggy tears .. my God.. the tears.. It's just too much.
  11. I hope we were. F that loser and the rest of the sheep humping hay seeds.
  12. From some farmer on SECRANT - "Most of you folks have no idea of the money, power, and politics involved. Texas will need support from the Leg to leave. Abbott is a Texas grad but that isn't nearly enough. Tech, TCU, and Baylor will fight like hell to keep them from leaving and blowing up the Big 12. That means Waco, Fort Worth, and Lubbock for starters plus a LOT of very powerful alums.A&M has the second most power of them all and they have a massive trump card. The Permanent University Fund goes 1/3rd to A&M and 2/3rds to Texas and Tech and the rest get nothing. If A&M went along that extra 1/3rd Texas gets can be redistributed and Texas will do anything to stop that from happening. A&M can swing the votes either way by pushing their political power for or against Texas on any of those issues because since we are not in the same conference with them and we have enough of our own resources (along with almost half a million alumni) they cannot defeat us if we go along with the other 4. Oh, and you better bet your arse that SMU, Houston, and Rice and their alums have no love lost for the sips either.The day I knew A&M was going to the SEC was the day that Dodd's foolishly came out and said that as long as Texas was there the Big 12 would exist. That gave A&M its freedom papers and bound the fates of the other schools to Texas who were happy not to be thrown into the abyss like SMU, Rice, and Houston.A&M and Texas control the state because in the end we work together where it counts. The beginning of every session of the Leg starts with an "Orange and Maroon Day" that is basically the alums of both schools reminding them of that. Texas simply cannot afford for A&M to abandon them for the others politically." Wtf is he talking about regarding the PUF?
  13. Not the hood... but still... It's an oven out there.. I don't know how he doesn't pass out. I would have.
  14. That’s crazy. Full bird’s wife at Fort Bliss (3rd ACR) had a taste for African American NCOs. It was known and whispered that the colonel had a little Jimbo issue. He didn’t make General.
  15. That would be a tough conversation to have with the Mrs as to why you didn’t make the promotion list. That stuff is serious. They are just looking for reasons not to promote you. Glad I didn’t get caught. Friends dad didn’t make the LTC list. Rumor was his wife got sideways with regimental commander’s wife and that old hag squashed him when her husband was a general. That was the rumor.
  16. He must have a gold nugget Rolex somewhere in his house. Probably one for everyday of the week. He must sit back and light cigars with $100 bills and just giggle. I wish him only the worst. He and the rest of those inbred farmers. Suck it hayseeds.
  17. Maybe it’s winning games while in the uniforms. That would be pleasant and appreciated.
  18. I just don't get this.. My son (15) is currently on the DL w/ a sprained ankle from 7v7... He goes to football practice every day in shorts and a hoodie.. It's like a 1,000 degrees out and he's out there in his hoodie. All his friends are as well.. ? wtf.
  19. "borrowed" vacuum attachments (think plastic pipe) from our moms.. Filled said pipe w/ roman candles and had bazooka wars against the kids from across the street. Also, built large ramps from doors we found and used our banana seat Schwinn's to jump over just about anything we could find.. Broken collar bone fixed that. Grew up on Army bases around the States.. would steal barbed wire rolls from the pool and build forts w/ barbed wire fences that we in turn would scale w/ make shift ladders (AKA John Wayne and the Green Berets").. to get the barbed rolls we would have to climb 12 foot wire fences w/ concertina and then risk not getting caught. Dad was an officer so that would have been a rather bad deal for him and us if we were caught.
  20. That will work as well. Take Iowa and give WV the boot as well. or Missouri and give WV walking papers. I just don't get them in the conference.
  21. Personally, I would love to see Arkansas back as well as Nebraska. Colorado and Iowa would be great as well to make 14. Doubt Iowa would leave and the others.. who knows. I loved beating Arkansas and Nebraska. Probably not in my lifetime.
  22. Senior year in high school. This season sold me on Texas for school. They suckered me in then gave me Akers on the down slide and McWilliams. Oh yeah, one tie and three losses to OU and 4 looses to the farmers. Did see Ricky, Vince and Peter Gardere beat OU 4 straight after graduation so it all evens out.
  23. Personally - I love her. She's my queen of twang - Mrs. George Jones https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AQXPORTQUCc
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