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Everything posted by TexasBeta

  1. 3 star coach 'em up special .. Nice.. Wants to be at aggy.. all that
  2. I don't know anything about all that.. what I do know is that there is a distinct lack of T&A which I have chosen to augment w/ a healthy dose of Lioness.. So.. there's that.
  3. That cock sucker Elko is so stupid
  4. Fuck yeah. Take the length farmers.
  5. Well...here's a newsflash for you butter teeth.. How about you beat BC and it wouldn't be an issue..
  6. I wouldn't put it past aggy to run Rueben Owens out there just to see if he can help out.
  7. Well... you got aggy over there and it's all about how homoerotic can they get.. evidently.. it's very.
  8. I’m gonna need some texasag screen shots. Ha ha ha ha ha. Stupid losers
  9. The real question is what kind of gay hayseed uniform concept will the aggy roll out next weekend.
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