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Everything posted by TexasBeta

  1. This is correct .. for those of us who were around in the SWC days - every sport against Arkansas was a blood feud.. it didn't matter the sport.. Just thinking about Strollin' Nolan gives me rage. Hell.. Jerry Jones played for them.. that's enough to elevate them above aggy for me -- For us from the SWC days it goes - OU --> Arkansas --> aggy in line of hatred.
  2. Regarding limited series.. so I'm not going to see Sophia's cans in all their natural glory?
  3. As much as I would love my twins to go to Texas.. one has an outside shot.. one is in now based on Top%.. They want out of Austin. This is what I'm pushing. It is comparable to instate tuition at Texas.. They have a large alumni base in Dallas, etc. It is a real college town (even if they are crazy) compared to that shit hole in C.Stat... so.. we shall see
  4. Texas 42 Florida Man 10 Florida Man 130 Yards
  5. Not the mandate of The University - "how much a school improves students’ chances of graduating and their future earnings" I would go so far as to say UT gives two shits about chances to graduate.. at least when I was there. Future earnings? Like how much you can make as an insurance salesman in Katy? What a load of shit.. I guess any opportunity for aggy to make a cup is good for their local economy. UT Mandate - "a world-class institution of higher education"... a university of the first class if you will..
  6. Man.. I truly despise those goat fucking hayseeds.. it's always some skewed way they look at stats - Days since beating a top 10 .. on an 11:30 am start.. on the 3rd Saturday in Oct. F them.. I pray we pound them on Nov 30th. Win something.. anything .. you future insurance salesman.
  7. This.. F them.. all of 'em. That league historically has been about the dirtiest group of hayseeds and bag men. I hope we beat them in every sport, minus meat judging for the cosplay aggy.
  8. They’re Texans. My crazy relation is still my family. Those sobs across the street from Missouri. F them. I include those hayseeds from the Brazos Valley. F them as well.
  9. this is correct - I'm glad we get to play a better caliber of football, baseball, and I guess softball teams BUT.. not for one second do I associate myself w/ those inbred cousin fuckers. Just 2 min listening to the Finbaum show tells you everything you need to know about these people. Texas should just write the $250k check and in the memo section write - "You cannot control us with money.. We are Texas"
  10. You got Vandy over there and they are all about pulling that rich Houston and Dallas coed snatch to Nashville…. I’m sorry.. what’s the question?
  11. Texas 42 Vandy 0 passing yards for Texas. - 390
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