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Chet Steadman

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Everything posted by Chet Steadman

  1. What a way for Jim to go out. Top Two biggest weather event in Austin’s history in his last few days before retirement. He deserves every second of it.
  2. Yep, late last night. Coincidentally, it was within about an hour after signing Adler up for Cat Facts.
  3. What time tomorrow are things set to get dicey? I’m debating getting us a hotel downtown for a few days but would prefer one less night if possible. Are things expected to be okay mid-morning tomorrow or will the icing have already started?
  4. Thirty. Six. Fucking. Hours. Without. Power. In. West. Austin. I have Adler’s cell. I’m about to blast it out on social media.
  5. Why in the world does there need to be “community engagement” around a website? And if it was actually needed, the community’s sole feedback likely would have been nothing more than “we don’t give a shit, just get it done.” Which the city of course, failed on spectacularly.
  6. Just passed the 24 hour mark without power. Good work Austin Energy.
  7. Just passed the 24 hour mark without power. Good work Austin Energy.
  8. I threw everything from the fridge in the yeti late yesterday thinking the freezer would be okay. Problem is, the second bottle of wine put me to sleep sometime around 10pm and by the time I awoke from my little catnap, it was 715 am and the entire contents of the freezer had gone temperate. This one is on me fellas. The wine wasn’t even that good.
  9. Over 18 hours now without power in NW Hills. Glad I bought nearly $100 worth of meat yesterday morning.
  10. Northwest Hills just went dark.
  11. Player gets to choose Terry Saban’s realtor for the Lake Austin house hunting every offseason.
  12. I just watched it. He was actually, quite surprisingly, eloquent, appreciative, and might I even suggest, presidential. just kidding. It was awful. Adios mofo.
  13. Yea, what in the world is that accent? I’ve spent years trying to place it.
  14. Why are both Fox and CBS suddenly keen on using the video game-style camerawork at every opportunity?
  15. Son of a bitch
  16. Will today be better? Id like to at least try and see the sun and sky at some point today. I wish there was an actual allergy forecast out there.
  17. Judging by that backdrop, I guess the polar icecaps melt in S2.
  18. Go steal...er...borrow one from your work office and bring it home. Preferably one from one of the conference rooms. More chairs = less likely the bossman will notice one missing.
  19. That no one knew anything and we were all taken for $9.95. The revisionist history, backtracking and excuse making by every.single.person who made a prediction was just the covering of the asses because they were wrong, lied to, used, whatever. Not a big deal, that’s just big time sports in 2021 Sark may have been the first choice all along or he may have only become an option when choices #1-9 said ‘no’. No one likely knows aside from CDC, who, for all intensive purposes, did his job admirably.
  20. Next up: Katie Couric, Aaron Rodgers, Mayim Bialik (had no idea she was Blossom until I looked it up right now,) and Bill Whitaker. Whitaker should be a great one. Still hoping for a Dan Patrick and Mike Rowe appearance at some point.
  21. Annnddd the website is down for maintenance.
  22. I still don’t get it. Why is Justin Fields still a supposed #2 pick? Because the experts pegged him as one two years ago and they’re too stubborn to change course? The J-E-T-S’ gonna set themselves back another decade come April.
  23. I will be curious to see what Abbott ultimately decides. On one hand, he said he’s not closing down business any further and on the other, he has his own order.
  24. We’ve heard all our lives the goal line “wraps around the globe” but now you have to hit the pylon if your jumping out of bounds. When did this change?
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