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Chet Steadman

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Everything posted by Chet Steadman

  1. Given the way the Trump campaign has whiffed on just about everything this past year, I would not be least surprised if the recount actually increased Biden‘s lead.
  2. Does anyone believe for one second there’s only 2000 homeless people here in Austin? There may be 2000 just between the underpasses of 71/S.Lamar, Caesar Chavez and 183/Burnet.
  3. I went down the Trebek predictions $9.95 internet wormhole and apparently another one who would be considered is Mike Rowe. His dry, likable wit would be perfect for the show.
  4. I couldn’t bring myself to watch yesterday’s episode. After the dimming of the studio lights I turned it off and decided I’d check back in sometime between now and Christmas. On The Dan Patrick show yesterday Dan was reminiscing how he used to do the sports-version Jeopardy back in the early 2000s. I know Jennings is the supposed front-runner and he may zero interest in doing the show with his already busy schedule, but I think DP would be great at it.
  5. That’s...a lot of red.
  6. It’s been so nice to see this thread continually slip outside the Top 4-5 on this board this weekend. Let’s hope over the next few weeks and months it continues its fall down the page and -perhaps if we’re lucky- onto Page 2 and beyond.
  7. umm, please help?
  8. Baylor ain’t good. Isu will win this handily. And Campbell will somehow be in more demand next offseason.
  9. Sqwirl is going to be really, really good in the Big12 if he ever recovers from a backward knee. He runs like Pooka
  10. I’m crying over here. I knew it was coming and it still got me
  11. You know, I despised Rick Santorum years ago when he was running for president, but after watching him these past few days I must say, politics aside he seems like a pretty good dude.
  12. Being real for a moment, what does a Trump concession speech sound like? Surely his handlers will make him go out there and say something right? Obviously it’s more traditional and in the grand scheme means very little, but has there ever been a president who did not ultimately concede?
  13. His gut tells him Texas will be called sometime between 10:37 and 10:39pm on Tuesday.
  14. Three days out and I still can’t get a feel of whether or not Prop A is going to win in a landslide or get the usual mass-transit West Austin beatdown.
  15. “I’m positive? Really? Oh yea, now that you mention it, I have felt a little funny for the past week or so. I think it started about 8 or 9 days ago to be exact.”
  16. Trevor with the Covidz? Notre Dame be all like
  17. Watched Phenomenon earlier this week. Typically don’t watch stuff like it, but I must say it was really well done. It’s a collection of the most famous UFO stories from the 1940s through the David Fravor and Senator Harry Reid stories the NY Times broke two years ago. Harry Reid is one of the main interviewees in the docu and it’s basically him saying, “Yes, all of this is very real and we uncovered much, much more than has yet to be released.”
  18. Trump knew before he even sat down in the chair with Leslie that he was going to walk the interview.
  19. Borat: "How much for my daughter?" Perverted Dad at Debutante Ball: "$500". Yeaaaaa, I'm guessing the father-daughter relationship of those two is a little strained right now.
  20. Good morning fellas. The dreaded two-day hangover when you’re in your 30s is a real bitch.
  21. DJT: “Leslie, Leslie, excuse me! You never ask Biden the tough questions, I’ve seen it with my own eyes!” LS: “I’ve never interviewed Vice President Biden in my entire life.” lulz
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